Who is this baby? This story is dedicated to this baby who became the Third Successor.

Third and Second Successors

Third Successor with his mother
First, the founder of Yamaji Manufacturing; after the WWII, the Founder moved from Tokyo burning all his properties by air-raid, and started the Yamaji Manufacturing. The Founder had the senses of a design and manufacturing, but no sense of business. In spite of his wife’s advises he had to close the factory, because his partner had been cheating the Founder with their accounting clerk. The founder could not survive without manufacturing. He was trying to make and sale the Kushi-Katsu for supporting his family, but the business was not success. This time he took the advice of his wife, and started another factory with one of honest technician who used to work for him. In the beginning, they worked all kinds of work. The factory was gradually getting better. However, because of the founder’s long suffering life, and the problem of his relationship with wife, he suddenly died with stroke within the hour of suffering.
The Second Successor was still attending the college in Tokyo at the time of the founder’s death. Discussing about Yamaji Manufacturing it was the best way to finish the Second Successor’s Tokyo life. The Founder’s wife and the honest technician who became the Yamaji’s son-in-law were taking care of the factory. The Second Successor finally went back to succeed the factory that had the great dept. The Second Successor spent many sleepless nights, but with his youth, wisdom, and power, he worked very, very hard day and night. With the Japanese good economies, and his effort, the factory was growing and growing. He paid back the debts, made the money, and made the factory bigger However, he got deadly ill around the age of 60, and could not overcome his illness with his hard work, power or wisdom. In spite of his wife’s advice, he trusted one of his workers, and made him the President of Yamaji Manufacturing, but the Second Successor was cheated by this worker. With these incidents, the Second Successor gave lots of thought for several years and finally he made a decision to close the Yamaji Manufacturing.
Here the Third Successor opened up his mind. He wanted to be in-charge of the downsized Yamaji Manufacturing. Giving the great consideration, and listening the Second Successor’s wife’s advice, everyone agreed to give a chance to the Third Successor. The Yamaji Manufacturing continued to operate by the Third Successor.
Guess what the Second Successor did to the Third Successor. All the givers of his business to his successors are same. Hiroko’s friend’s husband gave his business to his son, because of his illness, and heart attack. The day Hiroko was in their house, he said,
“I have to go to company today.”
“With your condition, why do you have to go to the company? Please take care of your health.”
“There is Director’s Meeting this morning. Without me thing can not be settled.”
“You don’t have to go. I’m not driving for you,” said his wife.
“It is O.K. I have to go” he said and left for the meeting listening of the wife’s voice saying,
“Please be careful of the stairway and platform. Your legs are not strong enough.”
Why can they pass everything to his son?
The Second Successor was the same. He went to the factory every day, and told the Third Successor what to do.
The “good” things, even though “bad” for the human eyes had happened to Yamaji family. The Second Successor’s wife collapsed with a stroke. It was very, very light stroke, but in the beginning the Second Successor thought she might die. Now, he could not go to the factory at all. He had to take care of his family affairs. Since that incident for two and half years, he has been taking care of his wife, their financial matter, cooking, taking care of his third son, and golfing to make him relax. He has been so busy that attending the factory was not important matter for him.
The amazing thing happened at Yamaji Manufacturing in 2012.
The Second Successor must be very, very happy.
At 8 a.m. Chicago time, the phone call came from the Second Successor. His voice was very happy andwithout drunken voice. Hiroko knew something happy had happened at Yamaji family. Hiroko thought the Third Successor has finally got married. The Second Successor start talking about how he is enjoying the cooking. He can make very, very tasty Tsukemono. He said that “Cooking” is very deep, and open his eyes. He has never thought that making one dish need many chemical thought and the mathematic. He is so happy to cook for his wife and son. He’d like to send some Tsukemono he made to Hiroko. He didn’t say some important news so easily. Hiroko thought what is it. Finally, he said, “The Third Successor did it. He did it. Yamaji Manufacturing Year-end is July. 2012 Year-end was very, very good. I could not believe my eyes what I saw the number on the statement. He did it. He came to me for guidance while I was home to take care of my family. He did it all by himself I’m sooooo happy for him and for me.”
The Third Successor has very good characters; good personality, trustworthy, and humble heart. Without humbleness he can’t come to anyone, especially his father who treated him like baby, for guidance. In business world these good characters are thought to be weak character, but for the long term, people trust and desire to do business like him. Hurray for the Third Successor!
Hiroko has interesting photos for the Third Successor. The Third Successor and Lisa

Attending the friend’s wedding Lisa admired to be bride, and she was wearing the bride costume every day. One day the baby Third Successor came, Lisa was so excited to be with him, but the Third Successor tried to run away.
Well, it was very good. It was wonderful for Yamaji Manufacturing. Give thanks to the Third Successor for recovering the factory.
All Things God Works for the Good
Romans 8:28 “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.”
It is God makes ‘all’ things good. “All” things; it is not only good thing but also bad thing. As you read the Second Successor’s life, his wife became ill was bad thing in the human eyes, but the result of that all the things worked very good. Because the Second Successor could not go to the factory, so 2012 good result was done by the Third Successor alone. Isn’t it wonderful?!
Right of this moment if you are in some kind of problems, sufferings, sadness, in fear, etc. you should think of this verse, and let the Lord God work for your problems. Because God make the suffering produce perseverance; perseverance, character; the character, hope. And hope does not disappoint us, …