Monday, January 28, 2013

Snow Falling, Chicago

The year of 2013 Chicago weather has been making many, many records.  The weather report on TV is very interesting to watch every day, but this is the last post about Hiroko’s Chicago winter weather report.

The snow falling day, January 24, Thursday, Hiroko had to go out to see the opera.  This snow falling also was a record.  It was said that the number of days not over 1 inch snow falling is a record.

These photos were taken Thursday morning from the back porch.  You can see the snow on the roofs, can you?

From the Bryn Mawr Station, at here Hiroko was waiting for the Chicago train to go to downtown.

Inside Chicago Civic Opera House
The famous sad love story “La Bohème” was played on the day.  The main character, Mimi, was played by a young Puerto Rican-born soprano, whose voice and feature fit the role of Mimi. 

It was predicted snow falling in the evening, but the Opera was only 2 hours, so glad to be coming home before the snowfall.

Snow falling again the night; Friday morning these photos were taken again from the porch.  Hiroko took three panorama photos, but did not know how to post these panorama photos on the blog.

This is Dan-san.  He was doing snow shoveling

Ti Leaf Plant was frozen.  Hiroko forgot to move it inside.  Hopefully, new shoot comes out in spring.

January 27, Sunday afternoon, it was rain ice.  This interesting natural phenomenon was recorded the few times since the meteorologists started to record the Chicago weather.  The phenomenon happens when the warm air bringing rain from south, and the rain becomes ice on the street due to the freezing temperature on the street.  Hiroko wanted to go out to take photos, but there was warning that DO NOT go out and Do Not to drive.

By the TV weathermen, the 2013 Chicago weather seems to make more records after this day.

Someone in our church said, many people in Chicago has every winter been saying, “Cold!”, “Very cold!”, “Too much snow!”, the heaven listened these many complains, so these unusual weathers and phenomenon were given in 2013.  Is there anyone not complaining?

In the Bible many word complain - “murmured” are recorded, even though God promised to give the blessing and keeps His promises.  Hiroko wants to learn and to teach children saying “Thanks!” before complain - “murmuring.”  So many sufferings in everyone’s life, but we have the “life” and should treasure the “life” and learn to say “Thanks!” to each other.

Friday, January 25, 2013

The Great Cold Wave after 2 Years

The Great Cold Wave after 2 Years

January 22, 2013 morning, the great cold wave came to Chicago.  The temperature was minus 1 officially at O’Hare Airport, but the wind was so strong that the wind chill was minus 12.  The last cold wave in Chicago was February, 2011. 

The sun was shining brightly, so as long as inside a building no one thought of the cold wave.

Hiroko tried to take this cold wave photos.  As you see, it is not able to tell whether this is the great cold wave day or not from the photos.  Please teach Hiroko how to take these kinds of photo.

Due to this great cold wave 7 people passed away.  Some are homeless and others are elderly people who could feel cold in their heatless house.

Hiroko’s cousin, living at Urahoro, Tokachi, Hokkaido, wrote that since 2013 New Year it was snowing every day, so snow piled up 60 centimeters (24 inches) for a week.  The temperature also was so cold, it was minus 25C (minus 3F) every day since New Year.  The Coldest Day in this season is January 20, so this cold wave would be continued for whole month of January, he wrote.  The Northern part of Honshu and Hokkaido would be covered by snow and the cold wave.

It has been the great drought in Chicago since last summer. It is a great problem for the Mid-West farmers.  The towns in the opposite side of the Lake Michigan from Chicago have been experiencing the lake effect now.  Hiroko noticed that the similar weather happened in Hokkaido and Northern part of Japan would be coming to Chicago.It might hopefully be lots of snow or rain in Chicago in near future.  Pray for lots of rain or snow in Chicago. 

Sunday, January 6, 2013

2012 Christmas Hand-Made Presents

These are Hiroko’s hand-made presents to her family and extended family members.

 Three blankets

Kitted blanket for Dave’s father – He had a bad cold on Christmas dinner night, and rested next day using this blanket.  Hiroko was very happy to hear that.

Kitted and crocheted blankets for Dave’s cousin and her friend

Christmas stockings for Steven and Amanda.  Amanda was also sick that night, so Hiroko doesn’t know this presents made her happy or not

Three Christmas tree’s skirts

For Steven and Amanda

For Dave’s brother’s family

The photo on the right is close to the actual color.

For Lisa and Dave, they like to have Charlie Brown Christmas picture on the skirt

Hiroko planned to make the Charlie Brown Christmas, but in the beginning of December Hiroko had to make a Christmas scenery for the Puppet show stage, so changed to this snowman with Christmas tree.  Now, Hiroko has to make Charlie Brown Christmas for Lisa and Dave.

This is third cardigan with same pattern and same style

For Dave’s mother.  She loves it.  Hiroko is happy, too.

This photo is close to the actual color.

Why can’t Hiroko take the actual color of photos?  If possible please teach me how to take the actual color photo?

Gave some other people, cash, cake, cookies, Japanese rice cracker, Japanese foods, and others.

Do you want to know what kind of presents Hiroko received for Christmas?


Well, it is good to have cash, and many different shops’ gift cards, chocolate, cookies, nuts, kitchen utensils, green tea (matcha is the favorable tea in America right now), massage machine, and electric fry-pan from Dan-san, and so on.

Give thanks to the Lord God for we could exchange all these presents on His birthday.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

2013 New Year Greeting

Happy New Year!

Thank you so much for those who are visiting Hiroko’s Blog. 

The year of 2013 is Year of the Snake by the Japanese calendar.
A snake seems calm and elegant animal.  However, once a snake has an eye on the things, the snake has never give up it and accomplish.

Hiroko has been getting lazy because of her age.  How many times Hiroko has read the Christmas story, but at the 2012 Christmas Hiroko was touched by the words spoken by 13 or 14 years old Mary at the time Mary was visited by the angel.  Mary answered to angel knowing she might be killed by stoning, “’I am the Lord’s servant,’ Mary answered. ‘May your word to me be fulfilled.’ Then the angel left her.  Luke 1:38” when the angel announced to Mary about her conception by God’s Spirit.  Hiroko wants to live with Mary’s humility, and saying to my Lord the same words what Mary said, and also like snake accomplishing God’s plan for Hiroko.

Please come again to this blog, and give Hiroko encouragement and teach her how to practice the humility in her daily living.  Thanks you!

God bless you with much peace, health and great joy in 2013.Happy New Year!