The year of 2013 Chicago weather has been making many, many
records. The weather report on TV is
very interesting to watch every day, but this is the last post about Hiroko’s
Chicago winter weather report.
The snow falling day, January 24, Thursday, Hiroko had to go
out to see the opera. This snow falling
also was a record. It was said that the
number of days not over 1 inch snow falling is a record.
These photos were taken Thursday morning from the back porch. You can see the snow on the roofs, can you?
From the Bryn Mawr Station, at here Hiroko was waiting for
the Chicago train to go to downtown.
Inside Chicago Civic Opera House
The famous sad love story “La Bohème” was played on the day. The main character, Mimi, was played by a
young Puerto Rican-born soprano, whose voice and feature fit the role of
It was predicted snow falling in the evening, but the Opera
was only 2 hours, so glad to be coming home before the snowfall.
Snow falling again the night; Friday morning these photos
were taken again from the porch. Hiroko
took three panorama photos, but did not know how to post these panorama photos
on the blog.
This is Dan-san. He
was doing snow shoveling
Ti Leaf Plant was frozen.
Hiroko forgot to move it inside.
Hopefully, new shoot comes out in spring.
January 27, Sunday afternoon, it was rain ice. This interesting natural phenomenon was
recorded the few times since the meteorologists started to record the Chicago
weather. The phenomenon happens when the
warm air bringing rain from south, and the rain becomes ice on the street due
to the freezing temperature on the street.
Hiroko wanted to go out to take photos, but there was warning that DO
NOT go out and Do Not to drive.
By the TV weathermen, the 2013 Chicago weather seems to make
more records after this day.
Someone in our church said, many people in Chicago has every
winter been saying, “Cold!”, “Very cold!”, “Too much snow!”, the heaven listened
these many complains, so these unusual weathers and phenomenon were given in
2013. Is there anyone not complaining?
In the Bible many word complain - “murmured” are recorded,
even though God promised to give the blessing and keeps His promises. Hiroko wants to learn and to teach children
saying “Thanks!” before complain - “murmuring.”
So many sufferings in everyone’s life, but we have the “life” and should
treasure the “life” and learn to say “Thanks!” to each other.