Every year on the third Thursday of November Thanksgiving celebration day has always been coming, and then Christmas will be here any moment. One week later there is New Year.
At the 2010 Thanksgiving Worship Service, our Pastor preached that we should know from where we came and to where we go, and then we learned to give thanksgiving. We believed the human beings were made a man from dust and God breathed (spirit) into his nostrils, so by the spirit we understand our sins. From the sinful state we are saved by the blood of Christ. Only God’s love and grace we can become the righteous. Jesus shows the way to the heaven and promised us the eternal life.
After this good preaching Thanksgiving luncheon was held at the church basement. There were so many foods as usual. Hiroko’s 20 lb. turkey photo were posted below.
Here is the Hiroko’s family Thanksgiving dinner gathering at her daughter’s home:

Hiroko’s 10 lb. ham – it is very easy to prepare, because all American ham is precooked, so pour the pineapple juice over the ham and bake 30 minutes per pound. Hiroko did not clean the house or heavy cooking. Thanks to my daughter opening her home, and many thanks to Dave for cooking 25lb. turkey and extra turkey breasts to take home. It was very delicious meat, stuffing and gravy, and mashed potato.

Fried Won Tan for appetizer
1 lb. each of Ground beef and pork
1 bunch Green onion - chopped
1 tsp. each of salt, pepper, ginger
1 Tsp. Peanuts butter or sugar/honey
Mix well all the ingredients
Wrap the ingredients in Won Tan skin.
Fry in 1 inch oil over medium heat
Cabbage can be used

Appetizer and drink corner – Shrimps plate was new face this year.
Dinner was served at 6 pm. Even though we ate so many appetizers, we ate again all the very, very tasty dinner.
Desserts were homemade by Amanda – four different pies; pumpkin, apple, peach, mixed berries. It was not sweet, so we could eat. We all ate too much!

The Shearin family who has been coming to our Thanksgiving celebration every other year was here. Good to see them. There are couple of new comers, too. Total 22 people were there. May God bless richly to all these people. Thank you, Lord, let us love one another like you loved us.

Young people were enjoying the beer drinking flip-up games

Christmas cactus were blooming beautifully.
Here is Hiroko’s 20 lb. Turkey

Fresh turkey and cooked turkey

Sliced 20 lb. turkey


Turkey Recipe based on Hiroko’s mother-in-law
20 lb.- Turkey
2 lb.- wheat Bread, dried over night and cut up ½ inch squares
1 - big onion, chopped
4-5 stalks - celery, chopped
1 bundle - parcely
1 lb.- butter
1 cup – wine
2 tsp.- salt
2 Tbsp – black pepper, poultry seasoning
Clean the turkey with water
Cook chopped liver and giblets in 1 cup water
Make Stock
with neck bone of turkey, 1 onion, 2 stalk of celery, 2 potatoes and stems of parcely
Make Stuffing
Sauté the onion and celery, and put half of seasoning in
Mix these stuffing with bread and cooked liver and giblets
Put aside of the stuffing
Stuffed Turkey
Place 1 stick butter, 1 cup wine and half of the seasoning in the turkey stomach and neck
Stuffed stuffing into the turkey stomach and neck
Tighten the turkey with thread and nail – while threading turkey put 2 sticks of butter place here
and there on turkey
Cover the turkey with foil tightly
Bake the turkey
with 250 degree oven for 10 hours and for browning the turkey skin, raise the temperature to 325 degree for last 2 hours
Making Gravy
Melt 1 stick butter and ½ cup of canola oil
Add 2 cups of flour and mix until dark brown
Pour the stock gradually in the browned flour
Seasoning the gravy with
1 tsp of each beef and chicken soup powder (salt for taste if necessary)
1 tbso black pepper and pinch of sugar
1 btl. ready made turkey gravy