Christmas tree at the Walnuts Grove Restaurant in the Macy’s. This tree is very gorgeous with gold, silver and the colorful lights.

The Macy’s sales flower is also decorated with the Christmas colorful lights

On one cornor, there is a post and also letterhead and pens on the table where children can write a letter to Santa Clause.

Christmas tree in the front square of the City Hall. This tree is not gorgeous like Macy’s, but it made Hiroko nostalgic for the good old days Christmas tree. The tree was decorated with millions of colorful bulbs.

There were many interesting German stores in the square because German festival was held on that day. One of the store was selling the warm spicy wine in the cute ceramic boot. It was cold day, so Hiroko bought 1 boot filled with wine. It was very delicious

Christmas tree in the State building.

The wine in the Hiroko’s empty stomach made Hiroko drunken feeling, so she stopped at the biggest McDonald in the town to eat French fries.
After McDonald Hiroko went to her daughter’s home to pick-up turkey bones. She forgot to bring it home on Thanksgiving night.

Michigan Avenue’s illuminations
Chicago’s dead trees come alive with millions and millions of 6tiny lamps

Water Tower, one of the oldest building in Chicago. At this building the history of the old Chicago and Chicago fire.

The park near by the tower. No Christmas Tree but there are couple of beautiful lighted trellises.

Christmas tree in front of John Hencock building which is the third tallest building in Chicago
Hiroko thoughts while she was taking the photoes in the downtown of Chicago:
There was no main character of Christmas in the Christmas decoration. Christmas is the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ who has no sin and is the Lord Savior for all human kinds.
The Bible mentions that the Lord Jesus was born in the human form for saving the people. Only the grace and love of the Lord Jesus saves all human kinds.
Hiroko noticed one thing that there are many bright lights on the streets and the buildings in Chicago during the Christmas time. Hiroko is happy to see those bright lights because Christ is light and Satan is Darkness.
Hiroko pray countinuously that many people might be reminded by this light who is Jesus Christ.
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