Akinori, Mitsuko’s younger brother, passed away at the age of five after over-night sickness. Mitsuko’s parents were devastated with the death of their son, especially her mother. During the mourning period of forty-nine days with Buddhism customs, close relatives or friends do not eat living things. Mitsuko’s mother never ate the meat or fish. Many times she went to bed without eating, but Tsukemo and rice ate.
During those days, her mother wandered about their neighborhoods all day, and if she saw a boy around 5 yrs old she followed him around until the boy went into his house. Then, she sat down by the door waiting for the boy to come out. She didn’t come home for the dinner time, so Mitsuko’s father and Mitsuko looked for her many times. When they found their mother by the stranger’s doorway she said,
“Akinori went into the house and he never came back to me.”
Because of their mother’s strange behavior their neighbors started to complain to control her.
Mitsuko’s father’s business wasn’t great at the time, so he had to work extra hard and long hours for his business. He asked Mitsuko to take the leave of absent from her high school and take care of their mother. Mitsuko was doing many household chores and shopping with her mother all day.
One day her mother and Mitsuko were sitting down together by the old washtub and washing the clothes. One fly was flying around annoyingly, so Mitsuko smashed and killed the fly with the soapy hands. Mitsuko’s mother with serious tone of voice said,
“Mitsuko, you killed Akinori”
Mitsuko didn’t know what to think, and just looked at her mother.
Mitsuko was so surprised to hear what her mother had said, because Mitsuko had guilty conscious and felt responsible for Akinori’s death. Mitsuko was thinking that she might have given Akinori a wrong food during the day before Akinori died. Mitsuko had been taking care of her brother after school before he passed away. Mitsuko was wondering her mother was blaming Mitsuko for Akinori’s death.
Then, Mitsuko’s mother said,
“Akinori came back from the other world to here as the life of fly.”
Again Mitsuko couldn’t say anything and just stared at her mother.
Then, her mother said again,
“The fly came to us saying ‘hello.’ The fly must be Akinori.”
Mitsuko’s mother was talking about reincarnation theory of Buddhism, Mitsuko realized. Mitsuko screamed at her mother,
“If Akinori comes back to this world with the life of a fly, Mitsuko will kill the fly hundred times or thousand times. I don’t want to think Akinori is living as a fly? I’ll not believe reincarnation theory after this. I don’t want to come back in the life of a fly or any other form of animals.”
Mitsuko’s mother looked astonished for Mitsuko’s screaming and didn’t say anything.
Mitsuko asked her mother firmly,
“Do you want to think Akinori is living as a fly?!
Mitsuko was so scared of the idea of reincarnation, and trying to convince and clear up her mother’s mind. After several conversations with her mother, Mitsuko’s mother agreed with Mitsuko even though in clouded mind, and said that her mother didn’t want to think Akinori living as a fly.
Many children in Japan heard or warned when the children did something wrong, like lying, even stealing from one’s own home, fighting with brother and sister. Adults were always saying to the children, when you die you come back to this world as a worm as lowest class or other different forms of animals until you could go to Gokuraku (Heaven) with Buddha. That is the simple idea of reincarnation of Buddhism.
On the day, the idea of reincarnation came to Mitsuko so vividly, and she felt like she became a fly. Mitsuko would not think and believe the theory of reincarnation as long as Mitsuko lives, Mitsuko swore to her mother. Since that day her mother had also never mentioned about coming back to this world with some form of animals or insects.
Do you like to think that you might come back to this world after death as a fly?
Soon after the fly incident, Mitsuko’s auntie came to see her mother again and asked the mother,
“Sis, how many children do you have?”
The mother couldn’t understand what the auntie was trying to say.
The auntie asked again,
“Sis, look around, what do you see?”
The mother looked at the auntie, and paused …. and was thinking, and then looked at Mitsuko ….
Then, at that moment, the auntie said,
“Isn’t it funny? It is week-day, today. Sis, I truly understand what you are going through, because I lost my daughter in the train accident. So, it is so sad, angry, and can’t believe the death of Akinori. But Sis, you have other children to look after. Mitsuko has to go to school today.”
Mitsuko’s mother looked at Mitsuko and started to cry.
The auntie said,
“It is good. You should cry more. Let’s visit Akinori’s grave yard.”
Mitsuko’s mother had never visited Akinori’s grave yard or Buddhist alter, but that day her mother agreed to visit the grave yard.
While they visited Akinori’s grave yard, Mitsuko made a good lunch for them with many different kind of Tsukemono. The auntie and her mother were enjoying her cooking.
Twenty some years later, Mitsuko believed the Word of God in Philippians 2:6-7, “Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped, but made himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness (incarnation)” and saved by His grace and mercy.
Here are some recipes inherited from Mitsuko’s mother:
The Tsukemono’s basic idea is preservation of vegetable for the winter season. Japanese dietitian presented ‘tsukemono’ as nutritious as any salad. Tsukemono vegetable can be eaten more than fresh vegetable, so tsukemono is more nutritious than salad. Home-made tsukemono is controlling in the amount of salt for the high blood pressure.
1. The most basic Tsukemono
Cucumbers, Turnips, Daikon (Japanese radishes), Turnip/Daicon Leaves, Cabbages, Japanese small Egg Plants, Hakusai (Nappa)
Cut one of these vegetable or mix two or three with bite size
Mix with 1 tsp. salt for 3 cups vegetable
(Optional) grated or powdered shoga (ginger), shiso or myoga (Japanese herbs), cayenne pepper, etc.
Note: Basic one is only salt
Put one or couple cut-up vegetable into bowl (prefer ceramic or glass)
Place small plate on vegetable, and cover with plastic wrap.
Put a weight* on the plastic wrap covered vegetable
Ready to eat three or four hours for leaves, or over night for hard vegetable;
*for the weight – big stone preferable, bottle with water,
or unopened any glass jar, do not use cans - See the picture
2. Tsukemono to keep long time
Those farmers in the Northern part of Japan in ancient days, there are no vegetable in the winter time, therefore many kinds of the vegetables were turned into the form of ‘Tsukemono.’ Here are couples of famous Tsukemono to keep for a long time.
5 Daikon (Japanese radishes) and 5 bunches of Daicon & Turnip Leaves
(Those farmers in the Northern part of Japan used 40-50 daikons and 100 bunches leafy vegetable to make Tsukemono for eating throughout winter.)
Chop these vegetable small
Massage the chpped vegetable with 3 Tbsp salt
Put these chopped vegetable in the large container (ceramic or glass)
Place ½ cup of salt on the top of vegetable
Cover them with plastic and put the weight on
2 to 3 day, the Tsukemono is ready to eat
These Tsukemono can be kept 2 to 3 month in the cold place
3. Cabbage Tsukemono – basic one
i. chop half of medium size cabbage
Massage the chopped cabbage with 1 tsp. salt and 1 tsp. vinegar several minutes or till soft
This is ready to eat. This Tsukemono is good for 2 days
ii. With cabbage Tsukemono
Mix with chopped ginger, or shiso or myoga (Japanese herbs), or cayenne pepper
iii. Healthy coleslaw (no mayonnaise)
With cabbage basic Tsukemono
Mix ½ cup chopped apple, onion, celery
1 tsp. celery seed
1 Tbsp. olive oil
1 Tbsp mayonnaise (optional) can be mixed
4. Kyu-chan
5 good size cucumber (use sugar recipe)
Take seeds out from cucumber and slice them
Mix 3 Tbsp. salt with the cucumber
Keep them in the jar over night with weight
Throw the juice away, and squeeze out the juice from cucumber
Set them aside
Boil 2 cups of water with 1 Tbsp. salt, 3 Tbsp. sugar and 3 Tsp shoyu (soy sauce)
Add 3 Tbsp. vinegar to above water
Pour the water over the cucumber and put weight on
Three days later, it will be done
This Tsukemono can be kept 2 or 3 months
5. Make Tsukemono Juice
1 cup Water
2 tsp Salt
½ cup Vinegar (use vinegar for less salt)
2 tsp Red Pepper flake
2 tsp Sugar (Optional)
The Middle one is my Tsukemono Juice. Can you see cucumbers in the jar?
Place daicon, turnip, carrot, cauliflower, cucumber, Japanese egg-plant in this juice to soak
Cucumber, egg-plant will be ready to eat over night
Daicon, turnip, carrot, and cauliflower take about couple days for ready to eat
Keep this juice in a refrigerator for years
Place those vegetable again and again
At third time to place new vegetable, add salt, vinegar and red pepper flake
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Billy Graham
Current Age: 90
Truth...from a man the media has nebver been able to throw dirt on...amazing!
He has certainly hit the "world" on the head!
Billy Graham's Prayer For Our Nation
'Heavenly Father, we come before you today to ask your forgiveness and to seek your direction and guidance. We know Your Word says, 'Woe to those who call evil good,' but that is exactly what we have done. We have lost our spiritual equilibrium and reversed our values.
We have exploited the poor and called it the lottery.
We have rewarded laziness and called it welfare.
We have killed our unborn and called it choice.
We have shot abortionists and called it justifiable.
We have neglected to discipline our children and called it building self esteem.
We have abused power and called it politics.
We have coveted our neighbor's possessions and called it ambition.
We have polluted the air with profanity and pornography and called it freedom of expression.
We have ridiculed the time-honored values of our forefathers and called it enlightenment.
Search us, Oh God, and know our hearts today; cleanse us from every sin and Set us free.
Commentator Paul Harvey aired this prayer on his radio program, 'The Rest of the Story,' and received a larger response to this program than any other he has ever aired. With the Lord's help, may this prayer sweep over our nation and wholeheartedly become our desire so that we again can be called 'One nation under God!'
Japanese translation available: http://ishimasu92.blog105.fc2.com
Truth...from a man the media has nebver been able to throw dirt on...amazing!
He has certainly hit the "world" on the head!
Billy Graham's Prayer For Our Nation
'Heavenly Father, we come before you today to ask your forgiveness and to seek your direction and guidance. We know Your Word says, 'Woe to those who call evil good,' but that is exactly what we have done. We have lost our spiritual equilibrium and reversed our values.
We have exploited the poor and called it the lottery.
We have rewarded laziness and called it welfare.
We have killed our unborn and called it choice.
We have shot abortionists and called it justifiable.
We have neglected to discipline our children and called it building self esteem.
We have abused power and called it politics.
We have coveted our neighbor's possessions and called it ambition.
We have polluted the air with profanity and pornography and called it freedom of expression.
We have ridiculed the time-honored values of our forefathers and called it enlightenment.
Search us, Oh God, and know our hearts today; cleanse us from every sin and Set us free.
Commentator Paul Harvey aired this prayer on his radio program, 'The Rest of the Story,' and received a larger response to this program than any other he has ever aired. With the Lord's help, may this prayer sweep over our nation and wholeheartedly become our desire so that we again can be called 'One nation under God!'
Japanese translation available: http://ishimasu92.blog105.fc2.com
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Hens - Healthy Recipes
The spring is coming in Chicago and the beautiful green buds are sprouting on the trees. The daffodils, the magnolias and the forsythias are in full bloom, but the tulips were not yet in bloom this year.
In this beautiful spring days, those hens raised by the neighbor were taking out from their nest in the neighbor’s basement, and sunbathing.
From this photo, it is hard to see four hens buried in the dust. Look at the next photo, those hens aree walking gracefully.
With the Chicago ordinance, a rooster can’t be raised at a house in Chicago city, but the hen is O.K. A rooster breaks the silence around the neighborhood with their crowing.
The eggs from those hens are small but very delicious. Our daughter can’t eat those eggs and any chicken meat with bones, because she saw those living hens, walking around.
Those who keep or raise any animals would be thinking where those animals go after death. In the book titled “Heaven” by Randy Alcorn, the author is discussing in the chapter “Will There Be Animals on the New Earth?”
Quote from the Book: ““God made the wild animals according to their kinds, the livestock according to their kinds, and all the creatures that move along the ground according their kinds. And God saw that it was good” (Genesis 1:25).
Because animals were a significant part of life on the original Earth and Scripture makes it clear that God will remake the earth just as he will re make mankind, it stands to reason that animals will be part of the New Earth. (Why wouldn’t they be?”)
…Since according to Romans 8 it is those presently suffering and groaning who will be delivered, it’s likely that some the same of animals on the present Earth will be remade to live on the New Earth.”
The group of people discussed about same matter from different view. They quote scripture from Genesis 2:7, “the Lord God formed the man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being.” However, God did not breathe His breath (spirit/soul) into the animals. Therefore, any animals in the present earth would be returned to dust after their death. However, God should make the animals in the New Earth and Heaven.
It is personal matter to choose from these two ideas. However, it would be interesting to go to the heaven seeing the animals. Will there be the neighbor’s hens?
The original Amish healthy chicken recipe was posted on the Japanese blog http://ishimaru92.blog105.fc2.com. The revised Amish Healthy Chicken recipe is created because of my daughter who can’t eat the chicken with bones. From one chicken, you can make 2 dishes for four people.
Amish Healthy Chicken
The differences from the original recipe are: (i) use oven, instead of slow cooker, for dripping fat, (ii) taking the skin off, and (iii) taking the bones out.
1. Chicken – with whole or cut half or cut-up chicken – remove the skin before or after baked
2. Seasonings – 1 tsp. of salt, black pepper, garlic (powder or 2 or 3 closes), rosemary, Emill’s seasoning
3. Cover the chicken with those seasonings, and mix well
4. Baked at 250 degree for 4 or 5 hours (or Grill in summer time)
5. Cool off the chicken
Taking the bones out and place the bite size chicken on the baking pan
6. Make panko (Japanese bread crumb) mix
2 cups panko
3 Tbs. Olive Oil
3 Tbs. Parmesan cheese for taste - optional
7. Sprinkle the panko mix over the chicken evenly (be able to freeze at this point)
8. Baked at 450 degree for 20 to 30 minutes, or until brown
(Together with chicken, bake zucchinis, egg plants, etc covered with panko mix)
Chicken Salad -use left over Amish Healthy chicken
1. Scrape the panko off
2. Dice the chicken (prefer to have 2 cups or more)
3. ½ cup of diced onion, celery, parsley, apple, and walnuts
4. ¼ cup mayonnaise – mix with all these ingredients
Instead of mayonnaise, use olive oil mix
2 Tbs. Olive oil
2 Tbs. Lemon or lime
2 tsp. Soy sauce, optional
It is very good for summer dish.
In this beautiful spring days, those hens raised by the neighbor were taking out from their nest in the neighbor’s basement, and sunbathing.
From this photo, it is hard to see four hens buried in the dust. Look at the next photo, those hens aree walking gracefully.
With the Chicago ordinance, a rooster can’t be raised at a house in Chicago city, but the hen is O.K. A rooster breaks the silence around the neighborhood with their crowing.
The eggs from those hens are small but very delicious. Our daughter can’t eat those eggs and any chicken meat with bones, because she saw those living hens, walking around.
Those who keep or raise any animals would be thinking where those animals go after death. In the book titled “Heaven” by Randy Alcorn, the author is discussing in the chapter “Will There Be Animals on the New Earth?”
Quote from the Book: ““God made the wild animals according to their kinds, the livestock according to their kinds, and all the creatures that move along the ground according their kinds. And God saw that it was good” (Genesis 1:25).
Because animals were a significant part of life on the original Earth and Scripture makes it clear that God will remake the earth just as he will re make mankind, it stands to reason that animals will be part of the New Earth. (Why wouldn’t they be?”)
…Since according to Romans 8 it is those presently suffering and groaning who will be delivered, it’s likely that some the same of animals on the present Earth will be remade to live on the New Earth.”
The group of people discussed about same matter from different view. They quote scripture from Genesis 2:7, “the Lord God formed the man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being.” However, God did not breathe His breath (spirit/soul) into the animals. Therefore, any animals in the present earth would be returned to dust after their death. However, God should make the animals in the New Earth and Heaven.
It is personal matter to choose from these two ideas. However, it would be interesting to go to the heaven seeing the animals. Will there be the neighbor’s hens?
The original Amish healthy chicken recipe was posted on the Japanese blog http://ishimaru92.blog105.fc2.com. The revised Amish Healthy Chicken recipe is created because of my daughter who can’t eat the chicken with bones. From one chicken, you can make 2 dishes for four people.
Amish Healthy Chicken
The differences from the original recipe are: (i) use oven, instead of slow cooker, for dripping fat, (ii) taking the skin off, and (iii) taking the bones out.
1. Chicken – with whole or cut half or cut-up chicken – remove the skin before or after baked
2. Seasonings – 1 tsp. of salt, black pepper, garlic (powder or 2 or 3 closes), rosemary, Emill’s seasoning
3. Cover the chicken with those seasonings, and mix well
4. Baked at 250 degree for 4 or 5 hours (or Grill in summer time)
5. Cool off the chicken
Taking the bones out and place the bite size chicken on the baking pan
6. Make panko (Japanese bread crumb) mix
2 cups panko
3 Tbs. Olive Oil
3 Tbs. Parmesan cheese for taste - optional
7. Sprinkle the panko mix over the chicken evenly (be able to freeze at this point)
8. Baked at 450 degree for 20 to 30 minutes, or until brown
(Together with chicken, bake zucchinis, egg plants, etc covered with panko mix)
Chicken Salad -use left over Amish Healthy chicken
1. Scrape the panko off
2. Dice the chicken (prefer to have 2 cups or more)
3. ½ cup of diced onion, celery, parsley, apple, and walnuts
4. ¼ cup mayonnaise – mix with all these ingredients
Instead of mayonnaise, use olive oil mix
2 Tbs. Olive oil
2 Tbs. Lemon or lime
2 tsp. Soy sauce, optional
It is very good for summer dish.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Easter - Social Welfare Services
The joyous Easter Worship Service was held at Devon Church by the Sunday School children with many newcomers and long lost old friends. There is no Christianity without Jesus’ resurrection, so Easter is the most important celebration day for the Christian.
To commemorate Easter, Devon Church collected from the congregation used good condition clothes and foods for North Park Friendship Center (“NPFC”).
Collected bags in the church basement
Dr. W. and Mickey sorted the collections and distributed them to the center couple of weeks before the Easter.
The front entrance of NP Friendship Center
The desk with computer by the entrance, where they interview their clients
At the back of the building, there are clothing and shoes storage room.. Volunteers are working to sort the clothing, and giving them to their clients.
Food storage shelves
Many volunteers are also working in this area. It is good to see the can goods are piled on the shelves.
Refrigerators – Devon Church collects dry foods only, especially canned meat and rice.
For Christian, this is an honor to do the Social Welfare Services. Read this Bible verses:
“Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.”
II Corinthian 9:7
After those collections are distributed to the NPFC, Mickey treated Dr. W. and hiroko at the Old Country Buffet.
Salad bar and soup table
Fried chicken Mickey loved, and many other foods, pizza, pasta, fish, oriental foods, etc.
Big, big counters for desserts
Gochiso-sama (Thank you), Mickey.
Thanks for your work, Dr. W. and Mickey!
To commemorate Easter, Devon Church collected from the congregation used good condition clothes and foods for North Park Friendship Center (“NPFC”).
Collected bags in the church basement
Dr. W. and Mickey sorted the collections and distributed them to the center couple of weeks before the Easter.
The front entrance of NP Friendship Center
The desk with computer by the entrance, where they interview their clients
At the back of the building, there are clothing and shoes storage room.. Volunteers are working to sort the clothing, and giving them to their clients.
Food storage shelves
Many volunteers are also working in this area. It is good to see the can goods are piled on the shelves.
Refrigerators – Devon Church collects dry foods only, especially canned meat and rice.
For Christian, this is an honor to do the Social Welfare Services. Read this Bible verses:
“Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.”
II Corinthian 9:7
After those collections are distributed to the NPFC, Mickey treated Dr. W. and hiroko at the Old Country Buffet.
Salad bar and soup table
Fried chicken Mickey loved, and many other foods, pizza, pasta, fish, oriental foods, etc.
Big, big counters for desserts
Gochiso-sama (Thank you), Mickey.
Thanks for your work, Dr. W. and Mickey!
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