In this beautiful spring days, those hens raised by the neighbor were taking out from their nest in the neighbor’s basement, and sunbathing.

From this photo, it is hard to see four hens buried in the dust. Look at the next photo, those hens aree walking gracefully.

With the Chicago ordinance, a rooster can’t be raised at a house in Chicago city, but the hen is O.K. A rooster breaks the silence around the neighborhood with their crowing.
The eggs from those hens are small but very delicious. Our daughter can’t eat those eggs and any chicken meat with bones, because she saw those living hens, walking around.
Those who keep or raise any animals would be thinking where those animals go after death. In the book titled “Heaven” by Randy Alcorn, the author is discussing in the chapter “Will There Be Animals on the New Earth?”
Quote from the Book: ““God made the wild animals according to their kinds, the livestock according to their kinds, and all the creatures that move along the ground according their kinds. And God saw that it was good” (Genesis 1:25).
Because animals were a significant part of life on the original Earth and Scripture makes it clear that God will remake the earth just as he will re make mankind, it stands to reason that animals will be part of the New Earth. (Why wouldn’t they be?”)
…Since according to Romans 8 it is those presently suffering and groaning who will be delivered, it’s likely that some the same of animals on the present Earth will be remade to live on the New Earth.”
The group of people discussed about same matter from different view. They quote scripture from Genesis 2:7, “the Lord God formed the man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being.” However, God did not breathe His breath (spirit/soul) into the animals. Therefore, any animals in the present earth would be returned to dust after their death. However, God should make the animals in the New Earth and Heaven.
It is personal matter to choose from these two ideas. However, it would be interesting to go to the heaven seeing the animals. Will there be the neighbor’s hens?
The original Amish healthy chicken recipe was posted on the Japanese blog The revised Amish Healthy Chicken recipe is created because of my daughter who can’t eat the chicken with bones. From one chicken, you can make 2 dishes for four people.
Amish Healthy Chicken
The differences from the original recipe are: (i) use oven, instead of slow cooker, for dripping fat, (ii) taking the skin off, and (iii) taking the bones out.
1. Chicken – with whole or cut half or cut-up chicken – remove the skin before or after baked
2. Seasonings – 1 tsp. of salt, black pepper, garlic (powder or 2 or 3 closes), rosemary, Emill’s seasoning
3. Cover the chicken with those seasonings, and mix well
4. Baked at 250 degree for 4 or 5 hours (or Grill in summer time)

5. Cool off the chicken
Taking the bones out and place the bite size chicken on the baking pan
6. Make panko (Japanese bread crumb) mix
2 cups panko
3 Tbs. Olive Oil
3 Tbs. Parmesan cheese for taste - optional
7. Sprinkle the panko mix over the chicken evenly (be able to freeze at this point)

8. Baked at 450 degree for 20 to 30 minutes, or until brown
(Together with chicken, bake zucchinis, egg plants, etc covered with panko mix)
Chicken Salad -use left over Amish Healthy chicken
1. Scrape the panko off
2. Dice the chicken (prefer to have 2 cups or more)
3. ½ cup of diced onion, celery, parsley, apple, and walnuts
4. ¼ cup mayonnaise – mix with all these ingredients
Instead of mayonnaise, use olive oil mix
2 Tbs. Olive oil
2 Tbs. Lemon or lime
2 tsp. Soy sauce, optional
It is very good for summer dish.
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