Mitsuko’s mother asked her final request to Mitsuko to stay of mother’s sister’s place. Mitsuko loved her aunty, so there was no problem. They had four children, and one, named Teruko is the same age of Mitsuko. Teruko is so kind to Mitsuko taking out all over the Tokyo town.
There are two college nearby their house, one is teaching English literature and another one is Japanese literatures. Mitsuko chose the college teaching English literature located at the top of the hill. Mitsuko passed the entrance test. At the orientation studying, Christianity is mandatory because this college is funded by Christian group in the United States. Mitsuko was surprised to hear that, but it is good to study foreign religins, but Mitsuko thought she should study her own religion, Zen Buddhism first.
The first Christianity class, the professor came into the class and look around with his bright and big eyes. Mitsuko heard later his nickname was Prof. Gaka (“Song of Songs” in Bible) because he wrote interpretation of the books “Song of Songs” and “Ecclesiastes.”
Prof. Gaka listed the titles of books, and said there would be no test and no taking the attendance, but two reports should be submitted on the certain day. One of the reports was from these four books, and other mandatory report regarding “Jesus Christ I see” in the “Four Gospels.”
Mitsuko was thinking Prof Gaka forgot to write the name of the author for the “Four Gospels.” Everyone seemed to understand what Prof. Gaka was doing, so Mitsuko thought it was better not embarrass herself to ask who is the author. Suddenly, someone behind Mitsuko was asking what the name of the author of the Four Gospels. Prof. Gaka’s eyes were brighter and bigger, and looked at the guy behind Mitsuko. Prof. Gaka looked surprised but explained what is the “Four Gospels” and the book of Bible. Mitsuko had never heard the book called “Bible” before. Prof. Gaka’s explanation was little bit hard to understand, but Mitsuko thought that she could find the book at the college book-store.
All the students in the college had to choose one of the supporting circles. Mitsuko was interested to know Prof. Gaka because he had different character than those whom Mitsuko had ever known. She was thinking to join the Christian Circle. Mitsuko attended the circle’s special meeting held that day. It was the farewell prayer meeting for one of the members who was accepted to the Bible college to become a Pastor. Mitsuko was fascinated to hear about his Christian life. His father has passed away at his young age, so his mother had raised him. This mother was against him to become a pastor, but he made a decision to attend this Bible college. Mitsuko didn’t understand it was good to go to the Bible college to become a pastor against his mother’s will. Mitsuko had never been to Christianity prayer meeting. Suddenly someone asked Mitsuko to pray. Mitsuko said,
“I don’t know how to pray, and I’m not a Christian.”
“God listens to anyone’s prayer, especially you. You’re here with God’s leading.”
“Yes. God will surely listen to your prayer” said other person.
Mitsuko prayed, but didn’t remember what and how she prayed.
After the prayer meeting they introduced each other and welcomed Mitsuko. While we had conversation, one of them called Mitsuko a sinner. Mitsuko was surprised and thought why they called someone whom they didn’t know well a sinner. Mitsuko had never done like murder, stealing, wrong things under the law and cause any trouble to others. Mitsuko wondered there must be a special kind of sin to the Christianity.
Time had passed by so quickly. Mitsuko had to start writing reports for Prof. Gaka’s class. Mitsuko finished easily writing the report she chose one. Mitsuko got the Bible at the college book-store, but there was no chapter called the “Four Gospels.” Mitsuko’s friend helped her where the “Four Gospels” located in the Bible. Mitsuko opened the first page of the Gospel of Matthew and was surprised to see so many names. Mitsuko had usually made the family tree before reading the foreign novels or tried to remember the names. Those names in the “Four Gospels” are so difficult to remember and also it is impossible to make the family-tree because there are so many names. Mitsuko asked Prof Gaka how she could start to read. Prof. Gaka told Mitsuko with smiling, many new readers had difficult time to start with Matthew, and suggested to read from chapter five.
Mitsuko was confused even chapter five same as chapter one.
Poor will be happy!?
People who are sad will be happy!?
Gentle will be happy!?
Rejoice to be persecuted and abused!?
What is this? Mitsuko had continuously read forward no matter what. The large crowd followed Jesus and listened to his teaching. Mitsuko could not concept what Jesus did. Who is Jesus, Mitsuko thought? She could not write the report, because she didn’t understand what the Bible tried to tell her. Jesus heals many sick, blind and lame, delivers demons, and performs many miracles such as changing the water to wine, walking on the water, calming the storm, feeding over five thousand people with five loaves of bread and two fish. Is Jesus a magician, Mitsuko thought? Suddenly, the death of Jesus on the cross is mentioned. Why? Why does he have to suffer and die? And then, Jesus came alive three days after his death. That made Mitsuko scared. Mitsuko said to herself it is impossible for the dead to come alive. Mitsuko could not understand and not believe anything mentioned in the “Four Gospels.”
Mitsuko had finally written the report which was one less page than required and mailed it on the date Prof. Gaka had asked. It means the report reached Prof. Gaka one day later. Of course, Mitsuko received the big “F” for the essential subject of Christianity.
Mitsuko remembers one heartache event that happened at the Christian Circle Conference held in the autumn of her 2nd year. One of the male student named Nishijo said, “God is love, and all the human being can be saved and go to the heaven, through the grace of Jesus and who believes in Him.” Mitsuko responded to him, “Jesus was born to a human girl named Mary, so Jesus is a human being. Jesus suffered and died on the cross so miserably, and the Bile mentions he came alive three days later. Mitsuko could not believe that.” Mitsuko felt talking too much, so she shut up after that. However, the next morning Mitsuko’s friend who had invited Mitsuko to the conference came and said, “Nishijo-san was praying all night after the meeting, and asking forgiveness for his loveless words to you.” Mitsuko wanted to say that was not her business, but she didn’t say anything.
Mitsuko finally met Jesus, but didn’t accept Him as her Savior and Lord, yet. Does Jesus answer her question since five years old: To where did Mitsuko’s grand-ma go when she passed away? Where does Mitsuko go after she dies? Why have the many deadly accidents happened to Mitsuko?
OKARA* PATTIES (8 pieces)

2 cups Okara - taking the water out from okara with roasting in frying pan or microwave oven
2 eggs - mix well with 2 slices bread or panko
1 bounce green onion - chopped and drying as much as possible
handful mozzarella or Parmesan cheese
1 tsp each black pepper, garlic powder or chopped fresh one, beef and chicken soup powder
Mix well all the ingredients
Divide it 8, and one portion each make the shape like computer mouse
Deep fry - have to use HOT, HOT oil for preventing break up the Pattie
NOTE: Deep fry 4 each at one time
Ground meats (chicken, beef or pork) and sausage meat can be added
It can be make this day before or so, then kept in refrigerator, and deep frying just before eat
*Okara - The tofu waste comes out on the process making tofu
Mistaking to put eggs in dried Okara, but mix well with 2 slices bread, eggs and okara together. It came out O.K.

This is looking like round but it isn't - round but flat
There are chicken and beef soup powder

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