The LORD said to Moses, "Consecrate to me every firstborn male. The first offspring of every womb among the Israelites belongs to me, whether man or animal." Exodus 13:1
"Bring the best of the firstfruits of your soil to the house of the LORD your God. Ex. 23:19a
The first crop from the Japanese cucumber plant given to Hiroko by Kaori-san was harvested. Hiroko had surely understood what the Lord told the Israelites. I was so happy that the cucumber was mine, I thought.
In Japanese saying “You have to smile to east direction when you eat the new crop. Then good fortune will be coming” and also “Something bad will happen when you eat someone’s new crop.”

The cucumber’s last minutes on the plant

Isn’t it beautiful?!

Sliced it and put it in potato salad and everyone enjoyed it.
Hiroko ate the couple of sliced cucumber. It was so crunchy and tasty like Japanese cucumber.
Give thanks to the Lord for this first crop of cucumber and also to Kaori-san.

The cucumber plant is growing and growing, so put strings for the vine.
Hiroko’s Potato Salad (4 people)
2 big Idaho Potato
1 carrot
2 eggs
wash and cook whole potato with skin on, whole carrot, and eggs
with 1 Tbsp salt until potatoes become soft
1 lemon
1 Tbsp sweet relish
2 tsp black pepper
Salt – optional
1 small onion – minced
1 stalk celery – minced
3 Tbsp minced parsley
3 Tbsp mayonnaise
Take skin off and cut the cooked potato
Mix with lemon – be careful not to mash
Add sweet relish
Add black pepper and salt (optional)
Add diced cooked carrot and eggs
Add minced onion, celery and parsley
Add mayonnaise – DO NOT MASH
did you smile to the east? congrats with your first crop! the cucumbers look really good. my parents also had their first green onions, chinese vegetables, and tons of peaches this year. there were also two gaint sun flowers came from nowhere. i might try your potato salad later :)
Hi, Kit:
ReplyDeleteYou wrote the comment for here, too.
Thank you!
I did smiling to the east for my first cucumber, because I was sooooo happy. I don't know whether some good things were happened or not. God is with me is enough good thing for me.
Today, the first tomato was harvested, I forgot to smile to the east? Because we have lots tomatoes from Mikio's garden.
Your parents's sun flowers, what are they going to do for the sun flowers? Do they make sun flower seeds?
Thank you for your comments. You only left comments for my English blog.
Thanks again. Hiroko
ReplyDeleteGood luck for making Potato Salad. Or have you already made it? How was it. Hiroko