Chicago Lyric Opera House
It can’t be compared with the Paris Opera House which is very beautiful.

It is autumn. There are beautiful chrysanthemum at the front of the Opera House. With this double decker bus people come to see the Opera from the far suburbs of Chicago.

This large space hall way by the entrance door fills with the evening gown ladies and tuxedo gentlemen at the opening day Gala.

From our balcony seats the stage, the first floor seats, and side-view were taken. I wonder why these photos taken in the dark place become reddish color.
“Macbeth” was shown that day. The “Macbeth written by Shakespeare was made into movie called “The throne of the Blood” by director Kurosawa.
In the opera “Macbath” we enjoyed the many singing. The soprano, Nadja Michael from Russia played Lady Macbeth. Her voice was very powerful and beautiful, and the baritone, Thomas Hampson from Germany played Macbeth.
Reading the Bible, Exodus 22:18 “Do not allow a sorceress to live“ two days before seeing the Macbeth, Hiroko thought it is very good theme to write a short-story. However, Shakespeare had already used this theme to write the drama “Macbeth.”
The main idea of “Macbeth”:
“King Duncan’s generals, Macbeth and Banquo, encounter sorceress (witches) who prophesy that Macbeth will be made King of Scotland, while Banquo will be the father of the king. With this prophesy, Lady Macbeth then invokes the spirits of darkness to help her; plotting to murder Duncan. Duncan’s son, has fled to England, and his flight confirms the court’s suspicion that he is guilty of his father’s death. This leaves the throne vacant for Macbeth. He recalls the prophecy that Banquo’s son shall be king and confides to Lady Macbeth his plan to murder Banquo as well as Fleance, Banquo’s only son. Murder after murder, and finally Lady Macbeth sanity has been affected by the recent bloody events and in her mind she relives the crimes she has committed. Macbeth was killed in the war.“
The words from the Bible said that the woman doing the sorcery has to die. However, using the sorcerer to see the future which doesn’t allow by God is sin. Those who practice the sorcerer’s words would also be killed by God. Those example stories are written in the Bible.
These are some Chicago autumn photos:

This tree has no leaves and the pavement piled with these fallen leaves.
Chicago’s autumn sceneries, Halloween party’s article in Japanese and many photos were posted 2009 at http://ishimaru92.blog105.fc2.com/blog-date-200911.html

The sky was filled with cloud one day, and 100% blue sky next day.
Do you think it is true that the woman’s heart is same as autumn sky?
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