The word “ferment” and “rotten” are similar. When a food carefully made rotten, it becomes a fermented food, Hiroko thinks. Asking any Japanese to explain what is Natto. All the Japanese say that the Natto is rotten soy beans, but Japanese American may say fermented soy beans.
Those germs to ferment or making rotten food are very important for the human body. Last year Dave had such problems in his teeth and chin bones for a long time. His internal doctor gave him lots different kinds of anti-biotic. His body becomes clean and pure like disinfected. The surgeon said to him he needs to take good germs in his system in order to operate his chin. He ate yogurt, sauerkraut, etc. Hiroko gave him Natto germ. Soon after he had the operation and right now he is O.K.
The given two kinds of fermented or rotten seasonings are:

Funyu (rotten soy beans curds) and Dashi Shoyu (seasoned soy sauce)
Here are Hiroko’s recipes used with these seasonings.
1-1 Dashi Shoyu for chicken thighs

2 lb. boneless and skinless thighs
Pinch of salt and pepper
2 Tbsp honey
¼ cup of Dashi shoyu
Make sauce with Dashi shoyu and honey
Sprinkle salt and pepper on the thighs before marinate
Marinate the thighs in the sauce
Bake at 350(F) degree for 45 minutes.
Broil the thighs for 10 - 15 minutes.
No more films in my camera, so the finished chicken’s photo couldn’t be taken.
1-2 Dashi Shoyu for Zucchini (for 3)

2 Zucchini sliced 2 inches and slice again to make rectangular
Put 2 Tbsp of water and zucchini in a bowl
Cook in a microwave oven for 2 minutes
Pour the Dashi shoyu on the Zucchini
The tasty sidedish was made.
2 Funyu
Kit’s mother use funyu as the seasoning for many cooking, among her cooking Kit loves the funyu use on the sliced eggplant and bake. No eggplants in Hiroko’s refrigerator but there were many zucchini.

Mash 5 pieces funyu (rotten soy beans curds) with the juice in the bottle
(Use this mashed funyu for zucchini and noodle soup)
2-1 Funyu with Zucchini (for 3)

2 Zucchini, sliced half in vertical
1 tsp mashed funyu on the top of each zucchini halves
Bake for 20 minutes and then broil for 5 minutes
Funyu became crunchy and tasty like cheese
Dan-san and Elsa didn’t say anything and ate all the zucchini. Hiroko will not mention to them about funyu and keep using it.
Any germs could die under the high heat, so Hiroko don’t know this recipe is recommended or not. It is better to use mixed with cooked zucchini or any other cooked vegetables. Natto germ is one of the stronger germ, but it will die over 200F degree heat and 20F degree cold.
2-2 Funyu in Noodle Soup (for 3)

2 cups chicken broth (no salt in it)
4 – 5 leaves Hakusai (Nappa), slice long way
½ cup onion, green or regular, slice long way
1 Tbsp Wakame, seaweeds
1 cup spinach or any leafy vegetables, slice long way
1 or 2 cups sea-foods; satsumaage (tempura fish cake) shrimp, crab meat, etc.
3 handful Chinese noodle, rice or wheat, or angel hair
3 tsp. creamed Funyu
Boil the stock
Put vegetables and sea-food except spinach, noodle and funyu
Cook the noodle
Put the cooked noodle in the bowls
Put creamy funyu on the top of noodle (Do not cook the funyu for preventing germs to die)
Put the spinach (Hiroko likes fresh spinach)
Pour the soup over the noodle in a bowl
Mix well the noodle and funyu, and eat.
In the Genesis, the fermented drinks and foods are mentioned. It is so important to have fermented foods for our body.
In Genesis 9:20 21, “Noah, a man of the soil, proceeded to plant a vineyard. When he drank some of its wine, …”
In Genesis 18:8, “He (Abraham) then brought some curds and milk …”