Thank you for coming to Hiroko’s blog during the year of 2010.
Please come again and give Hiroko suggestions and advises.
On the New Year’s Day, Hiroko’s family and friends got together enjoying Japanese New Year delicacy.
On the Christmas Day we had a wonderful time; opening presents and enjoying the delicious foods. Hiroko wanted to take photos how everyone reacts to see handmade blanket, but no camera. However, a semi-professional photographer was there and took many photos. She said she’ll send Hiroko those photos. Hiroko will post those Christmas photos later.

In the Japanese New Year decorative boxes, there were kimpira (gobo roots), tazukuri (fried fish), and umani (cooked vegetables)

Kuro-mame (black beans) and kinton (lima beans paste with chestnuts) in the bowls

Sunomono (cucumber, wakame, crab meat) – recipe posted below
Tuna and yellow-tail sashimi – At Mistsuwa $55.00 to $65.00 per pound sashimi came from Japan by air was selling. It was too expensive so Hiroko went to sashimi shop on Laurence and $35 per pound sashimi was at the store. Hiroko bought 1.5 pound tuna and 1 pound yellow-tail. It was very delicious.
Tempura – 2 lb. (30) extra large and 2 lb (50) large size shrimps, sweet potato, pumpkin and vegetable were fried. All the shrimp were eaten
Sukiyaki – Sukiyaki should be on the table in the winter season. Hiroko doesn’t cook sukiyaki in the summer time.
No ozoni (New Year’s food; mochi dumpling in a soup), but everyone ate soy sauce season broiled mochi wrapped with sea-weed as dessert.

There were usual family members.

This year one family came with a new born (7 weeks old) baby. The baby didn’t cry or fuss, but he was looking around during their dinner time. The baby brought a very wonderful and warm atmosphere in the party. Thanks to baby!
Thank you for coming and enjoying conversation and eating Japanese New Year delicacies.
Seaweed Salad recipe, and
Hiroko’s New Year resolution from Bible
Sea-Weeds Salad (Cubumer Sunomono)
1 Cucumber – sliced thin
1 tsp. salt
Handful dried wakame – soak in the water
1 cup crab or shrimp or any other shell fishes (imitation crab meat can be used)
Mix cucumber and salt, and squeeze water out from cucumber
Put the cucumber, wakame (take water out) and shell fish meat in the bowl
Mix with sauce ½ cup vinegar
¼ cup sugar
Add salt as you taste
Hiroko’s Resolution came from the book about Jesus’ one of the disciples John, and given by Dan-san as Christmas present.
The each Chapter starts with the question. The first one is “In what ways might your nature and background similar to John’s.” Hiroko thinks John was intelligent and a presence of mind person, so she had never been comparing herself with John. However, she compared herself with Peter in the Bible. Peter asked Jesus let him come to you who is standing on the water. Jesus said to him to come. Peter got out the boat and walked couple of steps and then he was sinking in fear of the stormy sea. Jesus said to me, “Unbelief! Why did you take your eyes off from me?” Hiroko has been trying to do through her own strength and knowledge, therefore made mistakes all the time.
The first chapter is mentioned when John met Jesus first time. Hiroko remembers how she met Jesus the first time. She met the “Bible” first at the Christian University. Professor of the Christianity 101 asked the students to submit the report instead of test. The title of the report is “Who is Jesus Christ” from the four Gospels in the Bible. Hiroko was ashamed to remember the report, that was very poor and didn’t fulfill the requirement pages. Hiroko wrote that Jesus is a magician and a superman.
It is good to write about how Hiroko sees Jesus right now in 2011 as Hiroko’s resolutions to rewrite the report.
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