This is the bag of Anko. The half of Anko of the bag was taken out from the bag to make ohagi. Ingredients of this Anko mentioned on the bag are sugar, water, and red beans (Azuki). Hiroko wondered how it is so sweet without any salt.

A58M A183
Institutional Use only
Ingredients: Sugar water, beans
Kyonishi Tsubuan
Product of China
Imported by JFC International, Los Angeles
These are mentioned on the bag.
Ohagi were made with this Anko.

These over 40 Ohagi were served at Leisure Group Bible Study, and one dozen were given to the Okinawa No. l Lady who gave the anko bag.
100 percents sweet brown rice were used inside ohagi. It was so difficult to find the sweet brown rice in any food market, like Mitsuwa and Vietnamese’s market. So Hiroko sent S.O.S. to the Morton Arboretum lady to buy for her. The supermarket called H-Mart own by Korean carried many different rice, so she bought the rice Hiroko wants. Thanks to the Arboretum lady.

This is a sweet brown rice bag and the rice is in the jar. The Arboretum lady said, place the rice in the dark and cool place. The rice can be kept 2 to 3 years.
Hiroko’s ohagi made by Chinese made Anko and Korean rice. Hiroko have never used the readymade Anko. Hiroko made extra twelve to the Okinawa No. 1 lady because she is waiting for the ohagi. Hiroko will be making another batch of ohagi for the Arboretum lady to test.
Everybody in the Leisure Group, but one who didn’t like the sticky rice, was enjoying the ohagi and everyone took it home.
Main Idea of the Bible Study at Leisure Group:
The Bible study based on the Gospel of Matthew 5:5, the sermon with the beatitudes. Pastor reviewed what we learned last month. It was taken from Matthew 5:3 and 4, and very important lesson, but no one remembered.
Matthew 5:3&4
3“Blessed are the poor in spirit,
for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
4Blessed are those who mourn,
for they will be comforted.
Pastor’s review:
What did we learn about the attitudes of being poor in the Spirit and mourning?
We should realize we are hopelessly and helplessly lost in sin.
People who have “Poor in Spirit” answer the next questions and test yourself.
1. Would they gossip about others?
2. Would they be judgmental?
3. Would they talk about others and look at other’s lives?
4. Would they watch what other are doing?
If the answer is ‘yes’ then you are not poor in spirit. People whose heart is poor in spirit have humble heart and no pride at all. Why can those who have poor in spirit have never done gossip, judgment, talking about others, interesting other’s action? They know their own unworthiness and sinfulness. No one can save themselves with the good works. For our sinfulness, Jesus died and shed his blood by which people’s sin was washed away. This is review.
Matthew 5:5
Blessed are the meek,
for they will inherit the earth.
The day’s lesson was being meek. The word ‘meek’ remind us the weak, puny, and ‘push around,’ but this word is used of horses. One would take a wild horse and break him. The wild horses are wild, fast, powerful, strong and dangerous. After the horse was tamed, is his qualities would be gone? Those qualities have never gone away, but the horse still is fast, strong, and powerful, but the horse would be controled and guided. The horse became useful and calm. If people who have an attitude of meekness, what does that mean? They have to look for ways to submit to God, and humble and serve God’s people.
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