This is the tablecloth, Hiroko made.
It seems the fashion to place the runners sideway on the table right now. Hiroko spent many hours for embroidery of the maple leaves and other leaves. This tablecloth would be used on Dave’s B-Day dinner day. The color combinations of the maple leaves were not done well.
Now, she remembered the watering for the house plants.
One of the house plants called the mother-in-law’s tongue placed on the Hiroko’s bedroom window bloomed flowers. It is said that this plants produce lots of oxygen, so it is better to keep this plants in the bedroom.

Can you see the flowers? Hiroko heard it is very rare to bloom flowers on this plants
“Thanks!” for blooming the flowers without water.
“Thanks!” – Hiroko heard the word “Thanks” is very important in our daily life, especially for the Christian at the last Sunday sermon. God would not be good to those who didn’t have the appreciating heart.
Have you ever seen the movie called “The Ten Commandments”? God showed and did the miracles and signs to the Egyptians to save the Israel (Jewish) Nation from the status of slaves at Egypt, and to make them free. Instead of saying “Thanks!” after they were free, they complained and grumbled to the Lord God at the time of hardships; such as seeing Egyptian Amy, and no path to escape, Israel said, “Did you bring us here to die? It is better to go back to Egypt.” Israel grumbled for the bread, so God provided the Manna (bread), and now, Israel complained that there is no meat. The result of all these complains and grudges, the Lord God let them to wander around the wildness for 40 years, instead of 11 days to reach the destination.
Hiroko’s complains and murmurs were much less after reading the Exodus, and learned from Israel Nation, how much they were complaining and murmuring.
It leads us no appreciation of heart to be proud of what we have (wealth, things, beauty, status, etc.). It takes further more to complain and to bear grudge to the Lord God what we don’t have.
Hiroko prayed that may the word of “Thanks!” to the Lord God and others always be on her lips
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