This is his initial treatment room. The doctor used a small tool looks like Japanese ear cleaner. Hiroko screamed with surprise to see the wax taken out and rolled down on Dan-san’s shoulder. The doctor told Hiroko quiet, the hearing test is going on in the other room. Hiroko was shamed of screaming.

Can you see the three black dots in these photos? These were fall off from Dan-san’s ears. The big one was from his right ear, and another two were from his left ear. Wouldn’t you scream when you see these BLACK things fall off from the ears?
After the initial treatment, the doctor dropped some liquid in Dan-san’s ears, and let him wait 10 minutes to do final clean up in the other room, and then the hearing test. The person who performed the hearing test asked Dan-san that how long he has been suffering with this hearing problem. Dan-san told her about 5 years, she looked at him with smiling.

At the reception area Dan-san made another appointment 6 month later.
Dan-san has been using Japanese bamboo ear cleaner all these years.

These are the Japanese ear cleaners Dan-san and Hiroko own.
If these ear cleaners are not working to clean the ears, Hiroko should be thinking to visit cleaning her ears at the otorhinology. She was using the same type of a ear cleaners.
Well, finally, Dan-san was seriously thinking about purchasing the hearing aids. The hearing aids are very expensive - $4,000 to 6,000 for both ears, and it seems not working. Many Dan-san’s friends who are wearing hearing aids do NOT hear well.
Please take care of your ears.
Bible tells us in Genesis 1:26, 26 Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals,[a] and over all the creatures that move along the ground.”
How amazing a human body is! Look at your whole body. Even these small ears are contained very delicate structures. It is wonderful and amazing.
Have you ever thought about how a baby is conceived and the baby is born at the certain time. It is one of the big miracles.
Hiroko meditates on these thoughts, and then, she can’t think the human being is progressed from a monkey. Can you?
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