The members of this group called “Hatsuho-kai” who studied Bible together long, long time met again in 2012. Saying there are many foods at the Japanese’ meeting, it is true that so many delicious foods were served in our meeting. First, we ate very, very delicious lunch made by three or four volunteers.
After lunch, we had Bible study. The day’s Bible lesson taken from Matthew 28:16-20. This is very famous verses called the “Great Commission.”
Our teacher looked the verses in a special way; the view from the heart or minds of Jesus, and also the view from the disciples and followers.
Quote Matthew 28:16- 20
“16Then the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain where Jesus had told them to go. 17When they saw him, they worshiped him; but some doubted. 18Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.””
The teacher led our eyes on verse 17b. There were people who doubted Jesus’ resurrection. Jesus had to leave His Commission to those who had doubt in their mind. What do you think of the heart of Jesus. However, Jesus had the confidence and knew what He was doing.
How the disciples and followers felt when they heard this Great Commissions? They might be scared and they didn’t know what they are supposed to do. But they were blessed because Jesus told them that He would be with them always until the last.
The teacher gave us more and more deeper meaning of these verses, so we studied for hours. After the Bible study, the delicious and lots of desserts were served, and we talked many, many things; how those dishes were cooked, how everyone’s health, especially the teacher who had an operation recently.
One lady, who studied the Bible in her Sr. Group mentioned that her teacher asked each one of her group “Who is Christian?” She wanted to ask the same question to the each one of the attendees of the Hatsuho-kai.
Many answered; Practicing God’s love, Love one another, Caring and loving others, Living in Jesus, etc.
There are two meanings in the questions. One is “How should the Christian be living every day?” and another one is “How to become Christian?”
The answers everyone gave to the first meaning of the question was very good answer. However, how can we answer to the second meaning of the question?
“How to become Christian” is very easy. Because God did everything. The death on the Cross and His resurrection, which is the manifestation of the grace and the mercy of Jesus Christ called Gospel written in the Bible, I Corinthians 15:2-4:
”2By this gospel you are saved, if you hold firmly to the word I preached to you. Otherwise, you have believed in vain. 3For what I received I passed on to you as of first importance: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, 4that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures, 5and that he appeared to Cephas, and then to the Twelve.”
We can become a child of God by the grace and the mercy of Jesus Christ, and believe the Gospel.
So, we can’t say we are uncertain Christian. If we say we are wishy/washy Christian, then the promise of Christ is doubted. We always have to say we are 100% Christian in Christ, which pleases our Lord God.
Our teacher and couple people took several photos but Hiroko didn’t take any. Sorry!
Monday, June 25, 2012
Saturday, June 23, 2012
United Airlines
This is our experience from/to O'Hare and San Jose del Cabo, Mexico. We are going to mail this letter to United Airlines.
June 25, 2012
1511 W Olive
Chicago, IL 60660
United Airlines
Attn: Director of Customer Service
Dear Director of Customer Service:
We had much trouble traveling with United Air Line from/to O’Hare and San Jose del Cabo, Mexico on May 30, and June 4, 2012 was experienced.
First, we paid $168.00 for the preferred seats (#7 B for Yoko and C for Mikio) all the four flights (UA#711, UA#797, UA#868 & UA#525) from/to O’Hare and San Jose del Cabo, Mexico. We didn’t get the preferred seats assigned to us for any of the flights except from San Francisco to O’Hare (FT#525). Due to UA airplane (Flight #711) malfunction, UA changed our flights time/flights, and the return flight UA#868 was cancelled by UA's discretion. Please look over refer the schedules attached. Mikio had to have the aisle seat for easy access due to medical reasons. It was very uncomfortable for him not having the aisle seats
We are looking for compensation for the money we paid.
May 30th flights, we were supposed to arrive at San Jose del Cabo, Mexico at 1:15 p.m., but we arrived over 4 hours later around 6:00 p.m. June 4th flights, we were supposed to arrive Chicago 1:15 a.m., but we arrived over 3 hours later at 4:30 a.m. Please refer to the diagram attached.
It was ridiculous to wait for one flight over 5 hours at O’Hare on May 30, and over 3 hours at San Francisco June 4.
May we ask for some explanation and compensations for these matters?
Very Truly Yours,
Yoko & Mikio Doi
United Airline Customers
Thank you for reading our complain. We didn't mention in this letter about running around to find out the gates in those airports worrying about the time. It was very hard for the Seniors. Hopefully you can understand our frustration. Los Cabos is very beautiful and enjoyable place, but we don't want to experience again these air transportation troubles.
June 25, 2012
1511 W Olive
Chicago, IL 60660
United Airlines
Attn: Director of Customer Service
Dear Director of Customer Service:
We had much trouble traveling with United Air Line from/to O’Hare and San Jose del Cabo, Mexico on May 30, and June 4, 2012 was experienced.
First, we paid $168.00 for the preferred seats (#7 B for Yoko and C for Mikio) all the four flights (UA#711, UA#797, UA#868 & UA#525) from/to O’Hare and San Jose del Cabo, Mexico. We didn’t get the preferred seats assigned to us for any of the flights except from San Francisco to O’Hare (FT#525). Due to UA airplane (Flight #711) malfunction, UA changed our flights time/flights, and the return flight UA#868 was cancelled by UA's discretion. Please look over refer the schedules attached. Mikio had to have the aisle seat for easy access due to medical reasons. It was very uncomfortable for him not having the aisle seats
We are looking for compensation for the money we paid.
May 30th flights, we were supposed to arrive at San Jose del Cabo, Mexico at 1:15 p.m., but we arrived over 4 hours later around 6:00 p.m. June 4th flights, we were supposed to arrive Chicago 1:15 a.m., but we arrived over 3 hours later at 4:30 a.m. Please refer to the diagram attached.
It was ridiculous to wait for one flight over 5 hours at O’Hare on May 30, and over 3 hours at San Francisco June 4.
May we ask for some explanation and compensations for these matters?
Very Truly Yours,
Yoko & Mikio Doi
United Airline Customers
Thank you for reading our complain. We didn't mention in this letter about running around to find out the gates in those airports worrying about the time. It was very hard for the Seniors. Hopefully you can understand our frustration. Los Cabos is very beautiful and enjoyable place, but we don't want to experience again these air transportation troubles.
Monday, June 18, 2012
To Los Cbos for attending Amanda/Steven's Wedding, Trip Diary
At 5:30 p.m. on Saturday, June 2, 2012, the Wedding Ceremony of Amanda & Steven was held at Los Cabos, Mexico. We went to Los Cabos to attend their wedding.
On Wednesday, May 29, all the preparations were done

Dan-san and Hiroko’s suitcase
Staying at Mexico 6 days 5 nights

What these cucumbers would have happened while we were gone?
At 4:30 a.m. on Wednesday, May 30 we were going to O’Hare Airport.

From this airport the great big air transportation problems began.

Over Dallas Airport.
There were many air transportation problems, but finally we’ve arrived in Los Cabos

Over Los Cabos
It was very beautiful sea under the airplane. The beautiful scenery gave us hope having good time in Los Cabos.
Arrived at Hotel where the Wedding would be held.

These sceneries are from the window of the hotel room.
Hanging the dress wearing at the wedding and all the others, Hiroko took the shower to relax. We found out this hotel’s price was all inclusive; such as any foods at the five restaurants, and soft and hard drinks at these restaurants, pool-side or any bars in the hotel. Elsa kept saying the prices of the hotel were very expensive. No wonder the high cost of the hotel.
Hiroko said let’s go for the dinner!
We went to the restaurant that served the steaks. Obviously, Hiroko forgot to take the photos. After the dinner, Elsa and Hiroko went for a walk by the sea-shore. It was scary waves. As Hiroko gave warning to Elsa, she fell down by waves, but we were O.K.
On Thursday, May 31: It could not tell whether the weather was hot or cool. Even though the day’s temperature was 80 to 90 degree, we felt coolness. Hiroko thought because of no humidity in the area, it made this strange weather. The taxi driver told us that the rain fell one or two days in the last September during 2011. Every one was surprised to hear that. How could this hotel or town manage the water?
Before the breakfast Elsa and Hiroko went out for walking by the beach. Because of the strong waves no one was allowed to swim or surf on the seashore, Hiroko heard.
At the buffet style restaurant only one was opened

Hot foods corner; sausage, eggs, potato, vegetable, etc.

Fruits and many other cold foods corner

Other cold foods corner; such as cheese, smoked salmon, etc.

The special corner, where any ordered omelets were made
Very delicious various juice corners by the special corner

By the dining area the beautiful blue widely open ocean came into the eyes.

There was Gazebo where Steven’s wedding would be held by the restaurant.

There were many, many flowers around the hotel. Without rain it might be so hard to take care of these flowers and plants.
After the breakfast, Elsa left to sunbathing by the pool and bar, Hiroko would be going to Jacuzzi. Elsa told Hiroko to use Elsa’s sun-tan lotion but Hiroko used her own lotion and jumped in the wonderful Jacuzzi. Hiroko enjoyed and talked with people in the Jacuzzi about one hour. After that she walked around the pool and did water aerobic under the strong Los Cabos sun, and went back to Jacuzzi again. What did we do for lunch?
After while Hiroko went back to the room to take shower and changed, and waited for the in-laws, Tetsuro & Sakae, and their daughter/her husband, and our friend, Okinawa-san arrival by the bar around the front desk. While waiting Dan-san enjoyed couple of Screw Driver and Hiroko tried straight tequilas.
Everyone arrived safely and went to dinner at the sea food restaurant. Steven’s groom’s-men said he will treat us the dish of Lobster which was not included in the hotel cost. Many did not order for the offer. Sakae and Hiroko ordered Lobster dish and other two ordered Lobster and steak combination dish.
Lobsters are called the “Cockroach of the bottom of the Sea.” No wonder God tells us, “It is better not to eat the living things at the bottom of the sea.” That’s the reason many did not eat, or they might hesitate for the high price, $50 - $75 for one dish.
Sakae and Hiroko enjoyed the very delicious Lobster. Sorry! No photo.
We were staying at the restaurant, and talked and talked until the late night, because we didn’t see each other long, long time. Around 11 o’clock we went back to each one’s room and went to sleep. Hiroko had hard time falling asleep because of the sunburn pain on her shoulder and chest,
On Friday, June 1, the w\Wedding rehearsal dinner would be held.
Sakae, Okinawa-san, and Hiroko woke up early and walked by the seashore. After the breakfast we attended the Yoga class.
The afternoon everyone wanted to visit the downtown Los Cabos. Some said not taking lunch and others said eating lunch, but everyone agreed to ask one of the restaurants to make sandwich to take out because we didn’t want to in late for the rehearsal. The restaurants made the sandwich for us. We ate the sandwich in the Los Cabos city bus, but no one complained.
The bad economy could have effected the town which was desolate. There was drug store, so Hiroko bought the medicines to Steven who was coughing, and for Hiroko’s sunburn. Sakae bought a interesting dress for Lisa.
Okinawa-san and Hiroko had not attend the wedding rehearsal, so we went to Jacuzzi. Okinawa-san had some leg problems, so she enjoyed the Jacuzzi, and talked to some lady who had backache like Okinawa-san’s daughter. Hiroko’s shoulder and chest had pain in the Jacuzzi.
Rehearsal Dinner

Table setting for Rehearsal Dinner
There were million diamond cut glasses on the table as the decoration. Steven said he was charged $20.00 each for this setting. One of the Groom’s-man said someone would be interested to accept the proposal with this size of big real diamond. Some woman could be moved with the diamond.

Steven was looking around the tables anxiously.

Italian - Bread, Appetizers, Salad, and Baked Fish with butter

Ice Cream and Cake for dessert.
During the dinner, Hiroko wanted to take the sunset photo, but

Too late! There would be tomorrow!
WOW! Pain, Pain! Shoulder and chest were so much pain. Put lots of aloe cream on the shoulder and the chest, Hiroko could not sleep with pain.
On Saturday, June 2, it is Amanda/Steven’s Wedding Day. Those who did not belong the Wedding party had time until 5:30. Elsa was very busy with Amanda since Friday. Saying stomachaches and “why, why,” Elsa worked hard and helped Amanda diligently.
Taking walks by seashore Please try to hear the sound of waves.

The strong wind was blowing on the wedding day. The waves were very high with the strong wind. Remembering the Tsunami at Sendai, Hiroko’s heart filled with prayer.
After the breakfast three of us attended the stretch exercise class.

Dan-san took all these photos.
There was enough time to do something until the wedding ceremony, so Hiroko was looking for the activity schedule. There was “Tequila Tasting” class. Tetsuro and Hiroko decided to attend the class.
In this hotel, there were interesting activities every hour to make the customer enjoy. The programs for children were held every day from 10 a.m. to 4 or 5 p.m.
Tequila Tasting

Over 20 different kinds of tequila were on the presentation tables.

Many people attended to this program.

The speaker of this program said, “The Tequila bottle decorated with a beautiful Mexican dancer at the store in town would be usually for the purpose for the visitors, so the taste of the tequila could not be able to guarantee. Today, the four kinds of tequila will be tasted. Please decide yourself which one is the best for you.”

This cute ceramic sp cup was distributed to each attendees, and poured the tequila in the cup. The activity workers poured the tequila over half of Tetsuroo’s cup but not to Hiroko.

Hiroko loved the “el Jimador” brand white tequila, so she went out to buy the tequila for the dinner held on the day Tetsuro and Sakae would be coming to Chicago.
There are over 50 Wedding photos, so the Wedding story and photo would be posted at the end of this post.
Hiroko could not sleep again with the pain. Hiroko now understood why she had the sunburn. The first day, Hiroko put the suntan lotion but in the Jacuzzi all the lotion were washed away. Heroko did not realize that, and walking around the pool and talking to people by the pool under the strong sun course her sunburn. Elsa’s sun screening was the water proof, so Hiroko should have listened to Elsa what to do under the sun.
On Friday, June 3. the last day after the Wedding Day
The day was started with walking around the seashore again, and then, eating breakfast, attending the stretch exercise class, doing the water aerobics class, eating lunch, and sending off the people who was leaving that day.
For the dinner, everyone wanted to go to the Asian restaurant. Waiting for 45 minutes before we had the dinner.

Only soup photos. Hiroko forgot to take other dishes photos. So there are empty dishes. The foods of this restaurant did not meet our expectation, especially waiting for 45 minutes.

Hakoniwa-san said that on May 5th “Super Moon” was seen in Japan. The moon between the palm trees at Los Cabos could be the “Super Moon.” Don’t you think so? With the photo the brightness can’t be seen. The moon was very, very bright.
Well, this article was done, but Hiroko would like to post about the article regarding the tequila and the problems with the air transportation from/to O’Hare and Los Cabos with United.
On Saturday, June 2nd, Amanda and Steven’s Wedding Day
Before the Wedding Ceremony

The many wedding attendees (about 35 people) were here and there to do their own businesses, taking photos, sitting down, talking, walking, etc.

The union candle light couldn’t be used by the outside wedding, because the wind. The big glass vase (can you see on the table?) would be used for union pledge. The two different color of sand in the small glass vases by the big vase, the two different color sand would be poured into the big glass vase as the symbol of the union. This Wedding would be held on seaside, so using sand for union was very romantic.

Steven and the Minister went into the gazebo, and looked at far away.

Steven’s parents, Tetsuro and Sakae entered.

Bride’s-maids entered.

Finally, Bride entered. Every attendee was standing.

The ceremony was started; exchanging vow and rings, pledge the forever union with the sands, etc., and

introduced as Mr. & Mrs. Steven Doi and out from the gazebo.
Newly Wed Mr. & Mrs. Doi received “Congratulations!” from everybody with Champaign and appetizers.

The bride and her friends

Elsa watched and straightened the train of the bride gown all the time.

The sound of the big waves accompanied with the guitar, and made a beautiful music.

Groom's-men party
The photos of bride’s-maid party did not come out well
Many family photos were taken. Over 500 photos were taken by the professional photographer that Hiroko heard.
Wedding Reception

The wedding reception tables were set at the quiet place by the adult pool.

Steven’s parents, Tetsuro and Sakae entered

Bride’s friend walked with Amanda on the aisle at ceremony entered

Bride’s-maids entered
Elsa changed her gold hi-heel to slipper. It looked comfortable.

Groom’s-men entered

Newly Wed Mr. & Mrs. Doi

The first dance as Mr. & Mrs. Doi right after entered to the reception
The dishes of the reception

Appetizer, Salad, Sobe for pre-meal (no photo), Filet Mignone

The interesting stories of Bride and Groom were told by their Maid of Honor and Groom’s-man

Cake cutting

Everyone had a piece of the wedding cake, too
The following morning the safe repairman came to fix the safe in Dan-san/Hiroko’s room. They offered him cake and he willingly received the cake. Hiroko was glad those three pieces of wedding cake wasn’t wasted. The top part of the Wedding cake was taken to Irvine, California by Tetsuro and Sakae to keep them for newlywed Mr. & Mrs. Steven Doi’s one year anniversary party dessert.
Thank you for reading this long, long blog.
On Wednesday, May 29, all the preparations were done

Dan-san and Hiroko’s suitcase
Staying at Mexico 6 days 5 nights

What these cucumbers would have happened while we were gone?
At 4:30 a.m. on Wednesday, May 30 we were going to O’Hare Airport.

From this airport the great big air transportation problems began.

Over Dallas Airport.
There were many air transportation problems, but finally we’ve arrived in Los Cabos

Over Los Cabos
It was very beautiful sea under the airplane. The beautiful scenery gave us hope having good time in Los Cabos.
Arrived at Hotel where the Wedding would be held.

These sceneries are from the window of the hotel room.
Hanging the dress wearing at the wedding and all the others, Hiroko took the shower to relax. We found out this hotel’s price was all inclusive; such as any foods at the five restaurants, and soft and hard drinks at these restaurants, pool-side or any bars in the hotel. Elsa kept saying the prices of the hotel were very expensive. No wonder the high cost of the hotel.
Hiroko said let’s go for the dinner!
We went to the restaurant that served the steaks. Obviously, Hiroko forgot to take the photos. After the dinner, Elsa and Hiroko went for a walk by the sea-shore. It was scary waves. As Hiroko gave warning to Elsa, she fell down by waves, but we were O.K.
On Thursday, May 31: It could not tell whether the weather was hot or cool. Even though the day’s temperature was 80 to 90 degree, we felt coolness. Hiroko thought because of no humidity in the area, it made this strange weather. The taxi driver told us that the rain fell one or two days in the last September during 2011. Every one was surprised to hear that. How could this hotel or town manage the water?
Before the breakfast Elsa and Hiroko went out for walking by the beach. Because of the strong waves no one was allowed to swim or surf on the seashore, Hiroko heard.
At the buffet style restaurant only one was opened

Hot foods corner; sausage, eggs, potato, vegetable, etc.

Fruits and many other cold foods corner

Other cold foods corner; such as cheese, smoked salmon, etc.

The special corner, where any ordered omelets were made
Very delicious various juice corners by the special corner

By the dining area the beautiful blue widely open ocean came into the eyes.

There was Gazebo where Steven’s wedding would be held by the restaurant.

There were many, many flowers around the hotel. Without rain it might be so hard to take care of these flowers and plants.
After the breakfast, Elsa left to sunbathing by the pool and bar, Hiroko would be going to Jacuzzi. Elsa told Hiroko to use Elsa’s sun-tan lotion but Hiroko used her own lotion and jumped in the wonderful Jacuzzi. Hiroko enjoyed and talked with people in the Jacuzzi about one hour. After that she walked around the pool and did water aerobic under the strong Los Cabos sun, and went back to Jacuzzi again. What did we do for lunch?
After while Hiroko went back to the room to take shower and changed, and waited for the in-laws, Tetsuro & Sakae, and their daughter/her husband, and our friend, Okinawa-san arrival by the bar around the front desk. While waiting Dan-san enjoyed couple of Screw Driver and Hiroko tried straight tequilas.
Everyone arrived safely and went to dinner at the sea food restaurant. Steven’s groom’s-men said he will treat us the dish of Lobster which was not included in the hotel cost. Many did not order for the offer. Sakae and Hiroko ordered Lobster dish and other two ordered Lobster and steak combination dish.
Lobsters are called the “Cockroach of the bottom of the Sea.” No wonder God tells us, “It is better not to eat the living things at the bottom of the sea.” That’s the reason many did not eat, or they might hesitate for the high price, $50 - $75 for one dish.
Sakae and Hiroko enjoyed the very delicious Lobster. Sorry! No photo.
We were staying at the restaurant, and talked and talked until the late night, because we didn’t see each other long, long time. Around 11 o’clock we went back to each one’s room and went to sleep. Hiroko had hard time falling asleep because of the sunburn pain on her shoulder and chest,
On Friday, June 1, the w\Wedding rehearsal dinner would be held.
Sakae, Okinawa-san, and Hiroko woke up early and walked by the seashore. After the breakfast we attended the Yoga class.
The afternoon everyone wanted to visit the downtown Los Cabos. Some said not taking lunch and others said eating lunch, but everyone agreed to ask one of the restaurants to make sandwich to take out because we didn’t want to in late for the rehearsal. The restaurants made the sandwich for us. We ate the sandwich in the Los Cabos city bus, but no one complained.
The bad economy could have effected the town which was desolate. There was drug store, so Hiroko bought the medicines to Steven who was coughing, and for Hiroko’s sunburn. Sakae bought a interesting dress for Lisa.
Okinawa-san and Hiroko had not attend the wedding rehearsal, so we went to Jacuzzi. Okinawa-san had some leg problems, so she enjoyed the Jacuzzi, and talked to some lady who had backache like Okinawa-san’s daughter. Hiroko’s shoulder and chest had pain in the Jacuzzi.
Rehearsal Dinner

Table setting for Rehearsal Dinner
There were million diamond cut glasses on the table as the decoration. Steven said he was charged $20.00 each for this setting. One of the Groom’s-man said someone would be interested to accept the proposal with this size of big real diamond. Some woman could be moved with the diamond.

Steven was looking around the tables anxiously.

Italian - Bread, Appetizers, Salad, and Baked Fish with butter

Ice Cream and Cake for dessert.
During the dinner, Hiroko wanted to take the sunset photo, but

Too late! There would be tomorrow!
WOW! Pain, Pain! Shoulder and chest were so much pain. Put lots of aloe cream on the shoulder and the chest, Hiroko could not sleep with pain.
On Saturday, June 2, it is Amanda/Steven’s Wedding Day. Those who did not belong the Wedding party had time until 5:30. Elsa was very busy with Amanda since Friday. Saying stomachaches and “why, why,” Elsa worked hard and helped Amanda diligently.
Taking walks by seashore Please try to hear the sound of waves.

The strong wind was blowing on the wedding day. The waves were very high with the strong wind. Remembering the Tsunami at Sendai, Hiroko’s heart filled with prayer.
After the breakfast three of us attended the stretch exercise class.

Dan-san took all these photos.
There was enough time to do something until the wedding ceremony, so Hiroko was looking for the activity schedule. There was “Tequila Tasting” class. Tetsuro and Hiroko decided to attend the class.
In this hotel, there were interesting activities every hour to make the customer enjoy. The programs for children were held every day from 10 a.m. to 4 or 5 p.m.
Tequila Tasting

Over 20 different kinds of tequila were on the presentation tables.

Many people attended to this program.

The speaker of this program said, “The Tequila bottle decorated with a beautiful Mexican dancer at the store in town would be usually for the purpose for the visitors, so the taste of the tequila could not be able to guarantee. Today, the four kinds of tequila will be tasted. Please decide yourself which one is the best for you.”

This cute ceramic sp cup was distributed to each attendees, and poured the tequila in the cup. The activity workers poured the tequila over half of Tetsuroo’s cup but not to Hiroko.

Hiroko loved the “el Jimador” brand white tequila, so she went out to buy the tequila for the dinner held on the day Tetsuro and Sakae would be coming to Chicago.
There are over 50 Wedding photos, so the Wedding story and photo would be posted at the end of this post.
Hiroko could not sleep again with the pain. Hiroko now understood why she had the sunburn. The first day, Hiroko put the suntan lotion but in the Jacuzzi all the lotion were washed away. Heroko did not realize that, and walking around the pool and talking to people by the pool under the strong sun course her sunburn. Elsa’s sun screening was the water proof, so Hiroko should have listened to Elsa what to do under the sun.
On Friday, June 3. the last day after the Wedding Day
The day was started with walking around the seashore again, and then, eating breakfast, attending the stretch exercise class, doing the water aerobics class, eating lunch, and sending off the people who was leaving that day.
For the dinner, everyone wanted to go to the Asian restaurant. Waiting for 45 minutes before we had the dinner.

Only soup photos. Hiroko forgot to take other dishes photos. So there are empty dishes. The foods of this restaurant did not meet our expectation, especially waiting for 45 minutes.

Hakoniwa-san said that on May 5th “Super Moon” was seen in Japan. The moon between the palm trees at Los Cabos could be the “Super Moon.” Don’t you think so? With the photo the brightness can’t be seen. The moon was very, very bright.
Well, this article was done, but Hiroko would like to post about the article regarding the tequila and the problems with the air transportation from/to O’Hare and Los Cabos with United.
On Saturday, June 2nd, Amanda and Steven’s Wedding Day
Before the Wedding Ceremony

The many wedding attendees (about 35 people) were here and there to do their own businesses, taking photos, sitting down, talking, walking, etc.

The union candle light couldn’t be used by the outside wedding, because the wind. The big glass vase (can you see on the table?) would be used for union pledge. The two different color of sand in the small glass vases by the big vase, the two different color sand would be poured into the big glass vase as the symbol of the union. This Wedding would be held on seaside, so using sand for union was very romantic.

Steven and the Minister went into the gazebo, and looked at far away.

Steven’s parents, Tetsuro and Sakae entered.

Bride’s-maids entered.

Finally, Bride entered. Every attendee was standing.

The ceremony was started; exchanging vow and rings, pledge the forever union with the sands, etc., and

introduced as Mr. & Mrs. Steven Doi and out from the gazebo.
Newly Wed Mr. & Mrs. Doi received “Congratulations!” from everybody with Champaign and appetizers.

The bride and her friends

Elsa watched and straightened the train of the bride gown all the time.

The sound of the big waves accompanied with the guitar, and made a beautiful music.

Groom's-men party
The photos of bride’s-maid party did not come out well
Many family photos were taken. Over 500 photos were taken by the professional photographer that Hiroko heard.
Wedding Reception

The wedding reception tables were set at the quiet place by the adult pool.

Steven’s parents, Tetsuro and Sakae entered

Bride’s friend walked with Amanda on the aisle at ceremony entered

Bride’s-maids entered
Elsa changed her gold hi-heel to slipper. It looked comfortable.

Groom’s-men entered

Newly Wed Mr. & Mrs. Doi

The first dance as Mr. & Mrs. Doi right after entered to the reception
The dishes of the reception

Appetizer, Salad, Sobe for pre-meal (no photo), Filet Mignone

The interesting stories of Bride and Groom were told by their Maid of Honor and Groom’s-man

Cake cutting

Everyone had a piece of the wedding cake, too
The following morning the safe repairman came to fix the safe in Dan-san/Hiroko’s room. They offered him cake and he willingly received the cake. Hiroko was glad those three pieces of wedding cake wasn’t wasted. The top part of the Wedding cake was taken to Irvine, California by Tetsuro and Sakae to keep them for newlywed Mr. & Mrs. Steven Doi’s one year anniversary party dessert.
Thank you for reading this long, long blog.
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