Sunday, October 28, 2012

Ohio-san, From Afar

Ohio Kumiko and her friend came to Chicago for sightseeing.  Ikuko who volunteered to guide Ohio-san and her friend around the town called Hiroko and said, “Ohio-san wanted to see you at the “Dorcas-kai” in the Glenview church, so please meet us at the Jefferson Park train station.”

Ohio-san, her friend, and a member of Dorcas-kai.

The Dorcas-kai Bible Study Group led by Pastor Hirumuma  Missionary was very comfortable and well organized Bible study group.
 Pastor Hirunuma sent by Japanese churches here in Chicago as a Missionary.

This Glenview church requested to the three Japanese churches that send a missionary for Japanese people who wants to study Bible here.  Since the request those three churches’ pastors and congregation praying for someone to be a Missionary to Chicago.  Pastor Hirunuma was one of the pastors.  The Lord spoke to Pastor Hirunuma while he was praying, “How about you?”  After giving serious consideration and to consult with his wife and 3 children, Pastor Hirunuma said to the Lord, “I’ll follow Your will.”  Pastor Hirunuma came to Chicago with his wife and difficult ages High School and Jr. High and Grammar School children.  Chicago was totally strange place for them, and no friends and no acquaintances at all.  How difficult and hard decision his wife made!  All the children might have been experiencing much difficult transition in Chicago.  All the Missionaries children have always been falling victim to the parents’ decision, but many of those children become missionaries.  It is a miracle of the Lord.
Mrs. Hirunuma and a member of Dorocus-kai

All those children are grown up now, and they chose to live in Japan, so their family was separated between Japan and Chicago.  Pastor and Mrs. Hirunuma must love the Lord and trust Him with all their lives.  Give thanks to the Lord for Pastor and Mrs. Hirunuma’s service in the Lord.  Ask much blessing from the Lord to Pastor and Mrs. Hirunuma, and their children in Japan.

The members of Dorcas-kai
They were working so hard at the kitchen to entertain four new comers.

Pot luck luncheon was held after the Bible Study.
As usual Hiroko forgot to take photos before the luncheon.  These photos for the foods were taken after the luncheon.  Beside these photos there were so many other delicious dishes.

This is dessert – homemade pumpkin cake.  It was delicious.

Let’s take a photo!
One was taken by Pastor Hirunuma and other one by Ohio-san’s friend

Thanks! to Ikuko for letting Hiroko have such a wonderful time with Ohio-san, and also very precious Bible study time with Pastor and Mrs Hirunuma.
This is Hiroko’s thoughts about Pastor Hirunuma’s Bible study on Job 1:1-5.
1In the land of Uz there lived a man whose name was Job.  This man was blameless and upright; he feared God and shunned evil.  He had seven sons and three daughters, 3and he owned seven thousand sheep, three thousand camels, five hundred yoke of oxen and five hundred donkeys, and had a large number of servants. He was the greatest man among all the people of the East.  His sons used to hold feasts in their homes on their birthdays, and they would invite their three sisters to eat and drink with them. When a period of feasting had run its course, Job would make arrangements for them to be purified.  Early in the morning he would sacrifice a burnt offering for each of them, thinking, “Perhaps my children have sinned and cursed God in their hearts.”  This was Job’s regular custom.”

The day’s lesson was an introduction of Job from these 5 verses.

Pastor Hirunuma’s first question was “Who is Job?” and “What is his characters?’ 
Job trusted the Lord and he was faithful to the Lord and an upright man.  He was a wealthy man and had wonderful family.  He was blessed by the Lord. 
2nd question:  Discussing Job’s suffering, Pastor gave us the question, “What kind of suffering you have right now, or you had before?  What is suffering?”
Everyone shared about their thought of suffering; relationship with family members, friends, and coworkers.  Hiroko’s one of the suffering is that she disobeyed the Lord.  It made Hiroko into depression and trying hard to please the Lord.  God’s love picked Hiroko up from this depression
Pastor Hirunuma’s last question is “What is Blessing?”  It is so important to meditate on this subject.
Some said wealth, and other mentioned family.  It may be very important for our lives.  However, Hiroko has not wealth and also has only 2 girls and no grand-children.  Hiroko gave serious thoughts about this kind of blessing, and questioned “Isn’t God blessing Hiroko?”  Pastor Hirunuma said when we give “Thanks” to the Lord for everything at all the time, we can see God’s blessing.  It is very true.  Thanks for God’s elect, to be saved, to make a child of God, God’s love and grace, God’s provision, God’s many promises in the Bible, and these are God’s blessing.  In His promises the best two for Hiroko are that He said He is with me all the time, and He has a plan in Hiroko’s life.  Giving thought on these His promises, our heart fill with His peace and joy.  Isn’t it the blessing from the Lord.
Thanksgiving celebration day will be coming soon.  In 2012 Thanksgiving is on November 22, Thursday.  Pastor Hirunuma asked us to give thanks to the Lord everything at all the time.  Let’s give thanks to the Lord, not only our wealth and family but also thanks to our Lord for the Lord Jesus and what He has done for us.  Please sing the Hymn “Count Your Blessing” and spend a wonderful Thanksgiving.

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