Dan-san and Hiroko went to the Mitsuwa Japanese Market.
Hakoniwa-san told Hiroko about the delicious Yaki-Soba brand. Hiroko was very anxious to see what kind of
the Yaki-Soba in the Mitsuwa. It was very
disappointing. None of the brands
Hakoniwa-san suggested was at the Mitsuwa.
There are different kinds of fresh Yaki-Soba and the dried Yaki-Soba in Mitsuwa, and also Yaki-Soba sauce made by “Maruchan” was sold.
Hiroko made Yaki-Soba dinner with Maruchan.
Sautéing lots of vegetable, and then sauté 3 bags of
Done. Too much
vegetable, so it is hard to see Soba, but very delicious Yaki-Soba was done.
The product of Yamagata natto was on sale. Of course Hiroko bought it.
Hakoniwa-san posted about Nameko/Tofu miso-soup in her blog. Hiroko loves Nameko. There are so many different types of the
instant soup at Mitsuwa. Hiroko bought
one instant Nameko/Tofu miso soup, but it was not so good.
Hiroko bought canned and bottled Nameko. The bottled Nameko was very tasty as it is on
the rice. Hiroko can’t wait for making
Nameko/Tofu miso soup with canned Nameko
As usual, Dan-san and Hiroko ate San-To-Ka Ramen for their
lunch at Mitsuwa that day.
Chicago's Newspaper, called "Chicago Shimpo" in Japanese and English
Please read the following article to find out why Hiroko has
sudden interest for Yaki-Soba, and Peter’s important teaching.
Hiroko’s church invited a person, Peter, who has been speaking
to the many old churches how to re-build.
He sees that many old churches are dying, but the newly planted churches
are growing. He has studied why it is
happening and found out many reasons. Among this many reasons, Hiroko wants to
discuss one interesting thing.
Before that, this is the story Hiroko started to look for
delicious Yaki-Soba. Peter’s wife was
growing up in Japan as a missionary’s child.
Peter visited Japan with his wife, and found many fascinating
things. One of them is Yaki-Soba sold in
the out-side garden in a temple. He said
he has never have tested such tasty noodle before or after. Hiroko told him that none of the Japanese
restaurants in Chicago can make similar taste of Yaki-Soba sold in the outside
garden or streets of Japan. Hiroko
doesn’t know any delicious instant Yaki-Soba
Well, going back to Peter’s teaching. Peter was speaking about old churches are
dying, and one of the reason is people do not talk honesty and telling the
truth among the church or any groups.
Peter mentioned couple of churches as example of not telling the
Some churches, there were several people did not like their
pastor, but they had never talked about true feeling, so no one, even the
Pastor, couldn’t know or discuss their feeling toward the Pastor. However, at one occasion one person mentioned
in public that their Pastor should be changed from “A” to “B,” and then,
several others suddenly joined the opinion/criticisms. The result of that talk was spread and they
left the church.
Some other churches, one talked secretly about the person A. The one expressed not wanting to attend the
church Worship Service because of the person A.
Couple others joined the one, and left the church.
It is very sad to hear about those churches and people just
If there is church filled with love, peace, and joy among
the church attendees and Pastor, anyone who even do not know Christ or Christian
will attend that kind of churches willingly.
Peter’s session will be continued two more times. The church Hiroko is attending can be changed
like the first century church mentioned in the Bible, Acts 2:40-47.
“40With many
other words he warned them; and he pleaded with them, “Save yourselves from
this corrupt generation.” 41Those who accepted his message
were baptized, and about three thousand were added to their number that day.
The Fellowship of
the Believers
42They devoted themselves to the apostles’
teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.43Everyone
was filled with awe at the many wonders and signs performed by the apostles. 44All the believers were
together and had everything in common. 45They
sold property and possessions to give to anyone who had need. 46Every day they continued
to meet together in the temple courts. They
broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, 47praising
God and enjoying the favor of all the people.
And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.
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