It is the middle of May, there have been several warm and
sunny days, so Hiroko planted all the seeds, 2 kinds of cucumbers,
Taka-no-Tsume, and Thai pepper.
About one week
passed, but
No buds at all. This is cucumber. Do you think one cucumber bud?
Two kinds of hot pepper – no buds
Konnyaku potato placed in these two big pots and 7 small
pots about 2 weeks ago, can you see anything in these pots? Nothing! –sigh! There are mints and freesia leaves also.
In the end of May, it has been cold, cold 50 degree
days. Because of this coldness there are
no buds for none of these pots.
Hopefully many buds come out soon.
The owner of this apartment building had pneumonia a couple
of months ago, and he has not been getting strong, so they can’t take care of
the yard. Well, Hiroko planted green
onions at the same place the owner’s wife had always been planting onions. They are taken root, and growing. It will be hot around 80 degrees in the beginning
of June according to the weather report, so Hiroko will make Soba Salad for the
owner using these green onions.
This is red Shiso and green Shiso. There are so many different buds in this
area, and Hiroko is not sure between weeds and green Shiso, so it is hard to
pull only the weeds out.
This is Dan-san’s garden.
He dug the ground and placed top soil on it. The ground has been ready. When does he put the seeds in, and plants?

This is Lisa’s Thai hot pepper on her porch garden. It looks nice. Hopefully they can harvest lots of the Thai
pepper. Dave would like to make
Vietnamese Chicken Curry with this pepper.
Hiroko posted about Hawaii-san and Okinawa-san in the Recipe
with the title of “Goya, Friends Came from Far.” They were here in the middle of May. Please read it.
Hawaii-san posed like she was singing “Amazing Grace.” Last year she sang the Hymn with a beautiful
voice and feeling at Devon Church Leisure Group. Hiroko would like to put her singing on the
“YOUTUBE” but unfortunately Hiroko doesn’t know how.
Here is the Hymn of Amazing Grace
grace! How sweet the sound
saved a wretch like me!
once was lost but now am found,
blind but now I see
grace that taught my heart to fear,
grace my fears relieved,
precious did that grace appear
hour I first believed
we’ve been there ten thousand years,
shining as the sun,
no less days to sing God’s praise
when we first begun
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