Friday, December 6, 2013

2013 Thanksgiving, Journal

There were two cooking for dinner gathering one week.  Actually Hiroko cooked three times; 15 lbs. Turkey for Church Thanksgiving fellowship luncheon after the Sunday Worship Service, one dinner for Shearin family, who didn’t come last two years, and Ham and Fried Wantons for Thanksgiving Dinner at the home of Lisa/Dave.

Here is Shearin Family

Jassie and Natalie, the daughter of Tets (Dan-san’s brother)/Saeru

Jassie/Natalie's daughters

Son of Jassie/Natalie, his eyes were closed, so Hiroko took another photo next day.  Isn’t he handsome like his father?

Elsa came to entertain them.  Thanks for Elsa, we can catch up how all these young people are doing and talked about their future.
We are amazed to hear the age of Jessie and Natalie.  They both had already passed half century.  No wonder we are getting so old.

Right after the giving grace for the foods, everyone started to eat.  They drove 9 hours from their hometown.  

By their request, Tonkatsu, curry, vegetable sauté with shrimp, goma-ae, and little cake and fruits for dessert were served.  They loved goma-ae so much, that one serving wasn’t enough, so Hiroko made one more bunch of spinach and they ate them all.  It made Hiroko so happy.

Give thanks to our Lord for His providence and care for their family.

2013 Thanksgiving Dinner at the home of Lisa/Dave

Here is the 23 lbs. of turkey made by Dave.  They made couple more turkey breast, so there were enough left over for taking home.  Thanks for Lisa/Dave for their thoughtfulness.

Lisa and Dave with Turkey.  

Dave was checking the internal temperature of turkey.

25 people came for this dinner party.

4 children, 2 boys who were playing electronics games, and two girls

These two girls have been making the ribbon yarn scarves.  They said they love to make the scarves.  One of the girls, Dave’s niece, gave one scarf to Grand-ma already.  It made Grand-ma so happy, and she told Hiroko she would wear it every day to her work.

Dave’s mother and her grand-daughter and her niece niece’s friend
Dave’s father had bad headache, so Hiroko didn’t bother.

Steven and Amanda

Amanda and Dave’s sister-in-law  Her husband Chris was in and out feeding the parking meter.  Chicago’s parking meters have been so ridiculously too expensive.  That is one reason Dan-san didn’t want to drive to the downtown Chicago, and other one is he can’t see well at night because the light was bothering his eyes.  He might need to do the cataract surgery.  Steven and Amanda picked us up and drove back us home.  Thanks for that.

Jessie and Chris’s neighbor who came from England, and Saeru’s friend’s son, who came from Hawaii.

Shearin’s daughter and Elsa’s neighbor; 

Natalie and Jay

Shearin’s daughter and Elsa.  Elsa taught her how to take sexy looking photo.  Aren’t they sexy?

Lisa and Elsa.  Where is Richard? 

Dinner time!

Dan-san gave the grace, especially thanks to our Lord for our lives.

Here is the foods for the day.

Turkey, gravy, stuffing, mashed-potato (no photo), salad, corn casserole, beans with bacon, cranberry sauce, cauliflower casserole, ham, and broccoli/rice casserole
There were so many appetizers as usual, 7 different types of pies, and many, many drinks.

Give thanks and praise the Lord for His abundant care and provision to our family and friends.


  1. hi Hiroko, long time no see. how have you been? this post shows me that you have been busy and enjoy your time with your family/relative. all the photos are great. thanks for sharing! i've been super busy and i need to start writing soon :)


    1. Thank you, Kit:
      No one leave the comment for me, so it is very nice to see someone left the comment. Thanks!
      I have been assuming you are not writing anything, so I didn't visit your blog. Well, I should visit sometime to you blog.
      How is the new living circumstance?
      Please take care in this cold and snowy Chicago winter. Thanks again, yoko
