Friday, April 11, 2014

Sleeping Problem: Jet-lag and Spiritual Formation

Hiroko received many kind words regarding suffering of jet-lag.  Some said that Hiroko has not been suffering only jet rug but also the old-age tiredness, because Hiroko’s visitation to Japan wasn’t vacation, rather helping her sister-in-law and brother.  Yes, Hiroko worked very hard in Japan.  She told Hiroko to take it easy and rest.  This suggestion is very true.  Thursday is clean the house day at Hiroko’s house.  Dan-san has been vacuuming and wiping the floors, and Hiroko cleans the bath room and dusting all over.  It usually takes around 2 hours.  The cleaning the house this time makes Hiroko sooooo tired.  Surely, Hiroko is getting old, it is better to take it easy and rest.

Others gave Hiroko many suggestions.  One of them is sunbathing during the day-time, and others are aroma therapies, etc.  It is worthwhile to practice sunbathing, so Hiroko is sitting down under the sun and typing this blog article.  It is a little bit hard to see the computer under the sun, but it gives Hiroko very good feeling.  Until today, Chicago was cold and rain in April for vegetation, but today (April 11) is wonderful and fine day to sit under the Sun.

Here is Hiroko’s porch, where Hiroko is sitting down and writing under the full sun shine.

Other one is from the book called “The Good and Beautiful God” by James Bryan Smith, with which the group has just started to study.  Dallas Willard’s recommendation words are “The best practice I have seen in Christian spiritual formation” on the cover page of this book.  Isn’t it God that brought the best book to Hiroko to study?  Because at the end of each lesson, there is Soul Training, can you guess what the Soul Training in the first lesson is?  “Sleeping!”  It was called coincident or God gives his suggestion to Hiroko.  Hiroko has been practicing the sleeping about one week.  Of course this is 3rd week since Hiroko came back from Japan, so it is time to get better in sleeping.  These couple days Hiroko wakes up around 5 or 6 o’clock, and she was able to go back to sleep.  Hiroko’s jet-lag would be gone!?

Hiroko has always have problem going back to sleep once she wakes up.  It is a good practice to sleep like suggested in this book. 

Hiroko must have a good night sleep after the sunbathing.

Thanks to God!  Thanks to friends! Thanks to God!  Thanks to friends!

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