Thursday, July 31, 2014

7-31 Three Kinds of Craft

7-8 Small Crocheted Handbags
Hiroko was asked to make the knitted handbags for the neighbor’s Hakujin lady, and for her daughter.  She said she would pay for that.  Hiroko doesn’t like to make any knitted things for sale.  How much money for a bag would be satisfied for Hiroko’s time and effort.  It would take about 8 to 10 hours to make a bag, so 9 hours  multiplied minimum wages $10.00 equal $90.00 and plus materials.  Wow, Hiroko has never calculated before.  It is too much.  Hearing “thank you!” and “I love to use this” are much satisfying to Hiroko’s heart. 
These are the knitted bags.

7-13 Covenant Nursing Home
Church visitation group planned to visit the Covenant Nursing Home in June for celebrating Mothers’ Day and Fathers’ Day.  It is nice to take a bouquet to ladies, and something for gentlemen.  One of the members made the origami fish and put two fish together on a stick.  Hiroko made origami irises and put two together with leaves.  Hopefully, giving  those origami fish and flowers would make them happy. 
Two fish on a stick.
Two iris flowers together with leaves.
We couldn't go visiting the nursing home in June, but visited them on July 13, Sunday.

7-20 Puppet Shows
During the summer time, Devon Church Sunday School gave S.S. teacher break, so volunteers take their turn to watch the children down stairs during the Worship Service.  Puppet Group took twice, responsibilities to watch children one Sunday in July and another one in August. 

Puppet Group leader made a decision to play on Sunday, July 20, the story of Daniel’s three friends.  They were put into the King Nebuchadnezzar’s furnace, but they weren’t burnt at all.  King put the three boys but there were four people walking around inside the furnace said in the Bible.  And another one is Jonah in the belly of the big fish.
These two were made for the Puppet shows. 
Left one is four people walking around inside the burning furnace, and other one is one man, named Jonah are inside the belly of a big fish.  It is not patch work; instead Hiroko cut the felt and glued those pieces together.  It is better than paper.  These sceneries can be used so many times.   It is the most primitive craft, but Hiroko drew the pictures and cut up the pieces and put them together with glue.  She needs the special skills.  Is it Okay to call this craft?
This is the puppet show of Jonah inside the big fish.
The children are watching the shows.
The reason for putting those three boys in the furnace is that they didn’t bow down to the statue of King Nebuchadnezzar (BC 650).  Those three boys said that they would not bow down any to statue other than the God who made this Universe.  Quote from the actual words from those three boys said in the Bible, Daniel 3:16-18 “Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego replied to the king, “O Nebuchadnezzar, we do not need to defend ourselves before you in this matter.  If we are thrown into the blazing furnace, the God we serve is able to save us from it, and he will rescue us from your hand, O king.  But even if he does not, we want you to know, O king, that we will not serve your gods or worship the image of gold you have set up.”

The other one of Jonah in the big fish story is that God told Jonah to go to the town called Nineveh and ask them to repent for saving themselves.  Jonah didn’t want people in Nineveh to be saved, so he ran away.  On the way to the different town than Nineveh by ship, the sea was raged and Jonah knew that this raged sea is because of him, so Jonah told to captain the throw him into the sea.  They did, then the sea calmed down, and Jonah was swallowed by the big fish.  If you are interested to know the end of the story, please read Jonah in the Bible.  It is a very short story, only four short chapters.

Sunday, July 27, 2014

07-19 Elsa’s Belated B-day Dinner

Elsa’s B-day is in the end of June.  Lisa has always planned the outing for the celebration of Dad’s B-day (in the beginning of June) and the Father’s day (on the third Sunday in June), so let’s include Elsa’s B-day celebration for the outing.  But Lisa and Hiroko noticed Elsa didn’t want to be including her B-day together with other celebration.  So, her belated B-day dinner would always be celebrated later day.  Hiroko’s B-day was always celebrated together with New Year celebration, so Hiroko knew what Elsa feels.
Here is Elsa’s B-day cake (pie) and candles.  “Make wish, Elsa!”  
She blew the candles, but didn’t share with us what she wished. 
“How big?”, Amanda asked.  “Cut big pieces for Dan-san and Leo, but other pieces would be small size, please.” said Lisa and Elsa.
Amanda cut the pieces, so Lisa put the ice cream on the pie.  At this time Hiroko had 2 shots of good brand tequila brought by Richard, so she was just sitting down and watching.
Everyone enjoy the Elsa's B-day Pie and ice cream

Here is the foods served that night.
This is beans salad with cherry tomatoes.  
Amanda brought the fresh lettuce leaves from her garden, so Hiroko prepared BT (bacon and tomato) and crouton for BLT salad, and Amanda put them together for the salad.  No photo :)!?  Everyone loved this BLT salad.  Richard said he ate 2 bowls.  It made Amanda and Hiroko very happy.
Steven’s request – Soba sets  No Hakujin ate.
Sausages and Pork Chops.
Grilled Shrimps – 23 pieces shrimps in 2 lb, it was quit a big shrimps.
Fried chicken – Everybody liked it.  This chicken was on sale at Jewel, and also Dan-san found the coupon for this.  Instead of Sashimi, Hiroko bought this chicken.

These regular faces:
This is today’s main lady, Elsa and Richard.
It was very happy to see Leo joined us.
Steven and Amanda
I don’t have the photo of Lisa and Dave.  He was out of the dining room.  Where was he?

Those who don’t know the Lord Jesus, and have never done the prayer, those who know the Lord Jesus but don’t attend the church, those who attend church, etc. have always been attending our family gathering.  Among those people, Dan-san has been giving the grace before the dinner at any home.  The general idea of prayer Dan-san giving is that praise the name of the Lord God, give thanks to the Lord for His presence to the gathering, and give thanks to the Lord for leading our daily lives by Holy Spirit.  Pray to the Lord for everyone’s health, letting us to love one another, providing and protecting our lives.  At the B-day dinner, Dan-san asked the Lord God for the person’s health and prosper, and many B-day to come.
How are those people thinking about the prayer given by Dan-san?  Person who didn’t know Christ heard the prayer at his birthday dinner by Dan-san.  He was very impressed by the prayer and said “Thank you!” couple of time.
Would everyone like to hear the prayer?

Monday, July 7, 2014

2014 Annual Church Picnic

The picnic has always been held on the Independent Day, July 4th.  The picnic weather for this year was very wonderful, it was not hot and not cool, and sun was shining all day long.  No one wanted to go home.  Hiroko couldn’t remember this fine, fine weather we had for picnic until this year.

These photos were taken around 11:00 o’clock.  Pastor came to this picnic ground around 8:00 am the first one to arrive and to prepare the ground.  He said there wasn’t too much to do, because all the tables were in the right places and clean.  Church has to pay $100.00 to reserve this place, so the City of Chicago Park District must be cleaned all over.  Come to think of it, there weren’t any flies and mosquitoes in the park, too.  Everyone had a very, very wonderful day.  Give thanks to our Lord to keep this picnic so wonderful.

The most of them sat and enjoyed talking with each other is company. 
Young people enjoyed playing bocci-balls,
others were playing baseball, and mother and son were playing Frisbee
Many others were preparing games.  Some had a hard time collecting the water from the bathroom sink for games.  Thanks to all those hard workers for preparing for the picnic to be fun.

Barbecue rack – hot dogs were cooked
“Isn’t it time for eating?”  “The two hard workers are still collecting the water.”  “Let’s wait for them.”

Pastor, please give the grace for food!  Pastor started to give thanks to our ancestors who fought to get the freedom to the United States.  Dear Lord, thanks for further more for the true freedom from God and help us to share God’s freedom to others.  Lord, we ask for us to have a joyful time and safe picnic on the Independent Day.  Jesus Name!  Amen!

As usual, after the prayer Hiroko started to eat.  For Hiroko the foods are more important than taking photos.

These photos are left over after the lunch.
There were so many foods and some came after the lunch, even though they brought their share of the foods.

These are the desserts.

Finishing the lunch, all those prepared games were started.
Picking up the balls
Kicking the balls
Flying the plastic missiles
Don’t drop the balls
Tossing the bean bags and getting the points
 Do you want to do?  Yes!
He had patiently making the water balloons.  Why?  Let us have patient to wait for what game these water balloons are to be used.

He loves to ride, but no one puledl him, so he decided to pull these girls. 
But he became tired to pull the wagon with these two girls, and then, someone gave him a quarter.  That made him so happy that he is starting to pull the wagon again with those two girls in.

Tug of war between girls and boys – who won?  Girls won two times and boys one.
This was the prize table.  All the boys and girls got something.

Now, Suika-wari (Hit the watermelon) on the ground blimd folded
Please imagine how funny the children were, who hit the ground couple of feet away from the watermelon, and enjoy these photos.
Finally, on the 15th or 16th turn, a boy hit the watermelon; many were trying to pick up the broken pieces of watermelon.  There were couples of more watermelon which was in the cooler, so everybody enjoyed the cold watermelon.

Now, the water filled balloon tossing game.
Hopefully you can enjoy this water filled balloon tossing game in these photos.  It was interesting to watch.  Please come to see this game next year.
These groups are winning teams.  The boy in the last photo is the partner, son, of the blue shirts father.
Dan-san caught the balloon, but the balloon was broken, so the water in the balloon splashed on him.  He was thinking, “I’m wet all over.”

It was very hard for the small children to break this.  Finally high school girl broke the pinnata, and then all the candies in the Pinnata came down.  None of the small children caught the candies.

Okay!  There is candy picking game.  First, small children under 3 will pick, and 5, and then rest of them.
"No more candies left for us, then!" complaining by the older children.  "Don’t worry there are so many candies."

Give praise and thanks to our Lord God for His presence in the picnic and let’s have a wonderful time.