Sunday, July 27, 2014

07-19 Elsa’s Belated B-day Dinner

Elsa’s B-day is in the end of June.  Lisa has always planned the outing for the celebration of Dad’s B-day (in the beginning of June) and the Father’s day (on the third Sunday in June), so let’s include Elsa’s B-day celebration for the outing.  But Lisa and Hiroko noticed Elsa didn’t want to be including her B-day together with other celebration.  So, her belated B-day dinner would always be celebrated later day.  Hiroko’s B-day was always celebrated together with New Year celebration, so Hiroko knew what Elsa feels.
Here is Elsa’s B-day cake (pie) and candles.  “Make wish, Elsa!”  
She blew the candles, but didn’t share with us what she wished. 
“How big?”, Amanda asked.  “Cut big pieces for Dan-san and Leo, but other pieces would be small size, please.” said Lisa and Elsa.
Amanda cut the pieces, so Lisa put the ice cream on the pie.  At this time Hiroko had 2 shots of good brand tequila brought by Richard, so she was just sitting down and watching.
Everyone enjoy the Elsa's B-day Pie and ice cream

Here is the foods served that night.
This is beans salad with cherry tomatoes.  
Amanda brought the fresh lettuce leaves from her garden, so Hiroko prepared BT (bacon and tomato) and crouton for BLT salad, and Amanda put them together for the salad.  No photo :)!?  Everyone loved this BLT salad.  Richard said he ate 2 bowls.  It made Amanda and Hiroko very happy.
Steven’s request – Soba sets  No Hakujin ate.
Sausages and Pork Chops.
Grilled Shrimps – 23 pieces shrimps in 2 lb, it was quit a big shrimps.
Fried chicken – Everybody liked it.  This chicken was on sale at Jewel, and also Dan-san found the coupon for this.  Instead of Sashimi, Hiroko bought this chicken.

These regular faces:
This is today’s main lady, Elsa and Richard.
It was very happy to see Leo joined us.
Steven and Amanda
I don’t have the photo of Lisa and Dave.  He was out of the dining room.  Where was he?

Those who don’t know the Lord Jesus, and have never done the prayer, those who know the Lord Jesus but don’t attend the church, those who attend church, etc. have always been attending our family gathering.  Among those people, Dan-san has been giving the grace before the dinner at any home.  The general idea of prayer Dan-san giving is that praise the name of the Lord God, give thanks to the Lord for His presence to the gathering, and give thanks to the Lord for leading our daily lives by Holy Spirit.  Pray to the Lord for everyone’s health, letting us to love one another, providing and protecting our lives.  At the B-day dinner, Dan-san asked the Lord God for the person’s health and prosper, and many B-day to come.
How are those people thinking about the prayer given by Dan-san?  Person who didn’t know Christ heard the prayer at his birthday dinner by Dan-san.  He was very impressed by the prayer and said “Thank you!” couple of time.
Would everyone like to hear the prayer?

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