(Hiroko borrowed from Google images)
Dan-san and Hiroko run away from the cold, cold Chicago to Las Vegas for four days, from March 6 to March 10. It was around 60 degree in Las Vegas.

The Spirit Airline which is selling inexpensive airfare tickets was used to go to Las Vegas. Hiroko was surprised to pay for the carry-on luggages and a seat fee, but total $250 for round trip is not bad.
One of the purpose to go to Las Vegas was to meet Dan-san’s uncles who belongs to 442 Battalian (Nisei Butai) fought at Europe during the II World War. Dan-san’s brother (Tecchan) and wife (Saeru) were also coming to see the uncles so Dan-san and Hiroko were able to stay at their time share condo. Thanks!

Time-Share Condo Office and the half of the condo buildings
Inside the Condo

Bed room with king-size bed, jacuzzi, kitchen and bathroom (forgot to take picture)
They asked for two bedroom condo and received two of this condition rooms.
Our plane left O’Hare one hour late for some kind of problem. Thanks to Tecchan and Saeru for picking Dan-san and Hiroko up at Las Vegas Airport at 1:30 A.M.. Hiroko was confused in the airplane, because her cell phone’s time was not changed. At Las Vegas Airport Hiroko asked Dan-san for Chicago Time. Now she got it. The time on her cell phone was changed at Las Vegas time automatically. How amazing these electronics.
2nd Day, March 7, Monday
Meeting Uncles at the Main Street casino/hotel in Downtown.
Buffet Counters

This is buffet restarurant in the Main Street Casino: Chinese, Mexican, Italian and American and others have been served here.

Everyone ate so much, and talked about their family news. Uncle Mike who fought at France rescueing Texas unit is 92 years old, and Uncle Jimmy is 86 years old. Uncle Jimmy talked about how he fought at Italy. It was amazing story. These uncles’ experiences in the war were very valuable to record.
Aunty Alice (Uncle Jimmy’s wife), Saeru, and Hiroko continuously had converwsations about family. All the men was attracted to the slot machine.

Uncle Jimmy and his son and his wife were playing a poker machine.
Time came to say good bye to uncles and aunty, and we went back to the condo. There were some time before dinner, so all went to casino next to condo called South Point.

South Point Casino’s front entrance

Nationwide horse rase is seen in here and gmnbled. Preparing Boxing Matching

So many machines like this in any casinos

Tecchan, Saeru and Dan-san were playing some good machine
Deliciou dinner was served – home made gobo and meat, healthy rice, good salad, and chicken cutlets
3rd day, March 8, Tuesday
Deciding to see the show “Lion King” this night, so we tried to purchase the discount tickets.

This is the basement of the discount ticket building. This is a game-center for the children. It was very big space.
The interesting M&M store

There are so many different kinds of M&M. Saeru said her grandchildren like to come to this store.
The buildings on the south side of the Strip

New York, New York casinos/hotels

Mandalay Bay and Day and nighjt scenery of Excalibur casino/hotel

Luxor casino/hotel decorated with Egyptian things

Gas blow man – with his gas the bubbles blow

From the end of the south to see north-side of the Strip, and “Welcome” sign on the street. (Hiroko borrowed from Google images)
Tecchan and Saeru’s condo is located 15 minutes from this point to south.
There is new casino called “M” was built south of the condo. We went to “M” Casino

“M” came from the initial of the Italian owner’s name.

Many lilies by the entrance and machines. These machines were good for us.

“M” is away from the crowded town
There are mountains!. No mountain in Chicago, so the scenery with mountain made Hiroko excited.
Lunch Time

The “Asian Buffet” restaurant, and many beautiful flowers in their garden
It was very delicious Chinese food so we ate too much again, and Hiroko forgot to take photos for busy eating.
No one except Tecchan ate dinner that night for we were too full with the Chinese foods.
Everyone liked to play at Mandaley Bay casino, so we left the condo one hour earlier.
Lion King

Tickets, theather, and advertises on the wall
Costumes and stage settings were amazing to see. Very Good! Worth the money.
4th Day, March 9, Wednesday
Dan-san and Hiroko woke up late. This was last day for Dan-san and Hiroko, so Hiroko did laundry and packed for leaving. Airplane would be leaving 12:30 midnight called red-eye flight. Well, we has all day to enjoy the gamble and the sight seeing.
Well, what should we do this last day? First let’s go to lunch.

Hiroko took the mountain scenery from the car. It was very beautiful mountain with snow on the top.
Lunch at “In N Out”

The famous hamberger restaurant in California had always been crowded.

Saeru said one hamburger is 230 calories and one serving fried potato is 300, so She suggested to order 1 set of hamburger consist with fries and drink, and just order one hamburger. It was always delicious hamburger.
To Bellagio casino/hotel at north side of the Strip

Bellagio’s front entrance and flowers. It is definately warmer here than Chicago.

Bellagio has decorated their building according to the seasons, in March wih floweres and butterflies. In regret it has not been completed. There was only the sketches and half done decorations. It must be very beautiful sight at the completion.

It was announced the water dancing show would be starting at 3 PM, so we went to see another new casino located next to Bellagio.
From Bellagio

Paris and Planet Hollywood casino/hotels are seen. It is very interesting to see inside these building. It is decorated according their names.
“The Jockey Club.”

On the way to see this new casino, there is a small sign board said “The Jockey Club.” Saeru said this is the first casino built on the Strip and the hightest building at the time. However, this building is surrounding by the tall and big buildings, so hard to recognize. The owner of this building was asked to sell but refused to sell.
New casino named “Aria”

Aria Casino Hotel front entrance

This casino’s main theme is “Crystal” so many crystal chandeliers are hanging. The crystal light is the ceiling.

The photos of Downtown casino is exhibited in this new casino. Frank Sinatra and others are in this picture playing cards. Downtown casino was founded first in Las Vegas.
At the 2nd floor of the most casino/hotel there are beautiful shopping center with many famous stores from all over the world.

Many stores are also here, but no people are shopping.
In front of the entrance

Monorail was running.
Water dance show was started at this new casino

It is not very good to see this water dancing show with the monorail in the back ground, and the scale of the show is much smaller than the Bellagio’s.
There were still time till Bellagio’s water dancing show to start, so we went into Aria’s casino

Then, we forgot the time while playing the machine. Hiroko ran to Bellagio, but the water dance had just finished. Very, very disappointed!!

There were calm water on the lake. The water dancing show photo is by the entrance, so Hiroko took the photo of it, but it can’t tell how beautiful the show is!
Saeru suggested to Hiroko to go to the chocolate factory to buy the presents. The chocolate factory is located far south of “M” casino. Thanks to Tecchan to drive around here and there with the high price of gasoline.
The chocolate factory called “Ethel M”

Ethel M’s front entrance and their cactus garden

The chocolate making machine was working. “Dark,” “White” and “Milk” sample chocolate

Inside Store

Selling the cactus plants too.

Enjoying coffee in the cactus garden and the warm sunshine.
Dinner time: After discussing what we should eat for dinner, we decided to go to Japanese buffet “Makino”. So Tecchan had to drive again to northeast area. The many streets were blocked out and surprisingly some streets were gone for building the new casinos

Finally we reached “Makino”

The restaurant are always filled with delicious sushi, sashimi, miso soup, many many other Japanese foods. No photo taking! Hiroko had just taken the photo of the giant squid hanging from the ceiling and one counter filled with sushi. Ten or more counters filled with Japanese foods are in the restaurant. We enjoyed those Japanese foods.
Well, there were still time to go back to Bellagio to take the photo for the waterdancing show, Tecchan said. Many thanks to Tecchan!

Night view of Paris and Planet Hollywwood casinos

Hi! This is the 7 or 8 minutes water dacing show, but it can’t tell the grand and beautifulness of the show. Well Hiroko’s photoes are not great either.
After the show there were still time to see more. Hiroko asked them to go to Paris casino to take photos of inside of the casino. Tecchan and Saeru came with Hiroko to Paris, but Dan-san stayed at Bellagio to play the machine.
Michael Jackson!?

Crossing the street to the other side, there were Michael Jackson. Many were taking picture with him. He paused for the camera with umbrella, and was counting money how much he made that nights
Paris Casino/Hotel

The ark of triumph

The bottom photo is the entrance of Paris casino, and looking up and up there are Eifel Tower.

Paris casino ceilings are painted in the blue sky to make people fell standing on the outside. It is very merry feeling to gambling under this blue sky. Playing the machines in the Paris casino until time to leave for airport.
Then, coming out the street, there was the beautiful moon on the top of the Bellagio’s roof.

Trying to take phot of the Bellagio, Tecchan told Hiroko it is better to take the photo without the flash at this condition. Hiroko took time to change the flash mode, finally she did. There is no moon on the top of the building, but it is beautiful photo without flash. Please compare right and left photo. Isn’t it clear and good photo? Hiroko learned another tip for taking photo. Thanks, Tecchan.

Bellergio's water dancing show started again.
Now, it was time to say “Good-bye!” and heading to the Airport.

In the airport there are many machines. Many people are saying it is better not to play at the airport machines, because always loosing. However, Dan-san has always been very lucky. He was not winning and disappointed at the casino on the Strip. He played the machines at the airport a little while, and recovered his loss. Surprised!!
Tecchan and Saeru drove home to Irvine next day, and Dan-san and Hiroko came back to the cold, cold Chicago safely.
Tecchan and Saeru-san, Thanks million for your wonderful hospitality and beautiful condo provided for us to stay.
Was Hiroko thinking about the Lord God in Las Vegas? Yes, Hiroko said. Is it because she felt commit sin in there? The town, Las Vegas is called “sin” city by some people. However, Hiroko had never felt commit sin in the town. Hiroko enjoyed talking to the Lord and asking what he is thinking of the town, Las Vegas, and gave thanks to the Lord for the winning on the machine.
Hiroko thought of the second coming the Lord Jesus, and questioned herself, would she have trouble feeling to meet Jesus in Las Vegas. She didn’t have any problem to meet Jesus in Las Vegas. Rather than the place to meet Jesus Hiroko needs to know is she ready to meet Jesus as the maiden in the Matthew 25:1-13.
The Parable of the Ten Virgins
1At that time the kingdom of heaven will be like ten virgins who took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom. 2Five of them were foolish and five were wise. 3The foolish ones took their lamps but did not take any oil with them. 4The wise ones, however, took oil in jars along with their lamps. 5The bridegroom was a long time in coming, and they all became drowsy and fell asleep.
6At midnight the cry rang out: ‘Here’s the bridegroom! Come out to meet him!’
7Then all the virgins woke up and trimmed their lamps. 8The foolish ones said to the wise, ‘Give us some of your oil; our lamps are going out.’
9’No,’ they replied, ‘there may not be enough for both us and you. Instead, go to those who sell oil and buy some for yourselves.’
10But while they were on their way to buy the oil, the bridegroom arrived. The virgins who were ready went in with him to the wedding banquet. And the door was shut.
11Later the others also came. ‘Lord, Lord,’ they said, ‘open the door for us!’
12But he replied, ‘Truly I tell you, I don’t know you.’
13Therefore keep watch, because you do not know the day or the hour.
Hiroko had wonderful time and prayed for Uncle Jimmy and Aunty Alice.
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