The blue sky was so beautiful, but the photo could not express the blue. Regret!
Hiroko thought all the maples are green in the spring, then, it wasn’t. Hiroko was thinking because of this cold weather those maple leaves has already turned in color. Hakoniwa-san posted a beautiful green maple tree in her blog background. Hiroko was so curious that she was walking around in her neighborhood to find out about maple.

There are three different shapes of red leaves. It is called “Japanese maple” in Chicago.
Turning away from the subject, in Chicago, the city provides any trees to plant by the sidewalk. One of Hiroko’s friend requested Japanese maple tree for her sidewalk. Many people must love the maple tree, because there is one tree in each block.

This is one of the beautiful red Japanese maple leaves in the right side of photo.
In the right side of photo, you can see the flowers of the maple.
There is no green leaves of this shape maple by Hiroko’s neighbor, and also her friend’s neighbor in the suburb of Chicago.

This photo of the beautiful green maple leaves borrowed from the Google website. The green maple trees in the Hakoniwa-san’s blog background were also beautiful.
The green maple trees in Chicago

The green maple trees grow very tall. There are so many of this kind of green maple trees by the Michigan Lake.

The big green maple leave
Hiroko’s friend brought the maple leaves from her neighbor.

The leaves in the left-side photo is the same shape of the big tree’s green leaves, but it is red, called “crimson maple.” There are also a “silver maple’ with backside of the leaf is silver color.
The leave in the right side photo is used in the Canada flag. The color of leaf should be in red in the flag.

Here is the Canada flag from Canada official web-site.
Hiroko’s wonder:
The plants were created at the same day of ground created on the third day. The animals including the human being were created on the sixth day. After the Noah’s flood, only the animals that went in the ark have lived. However, the sea animals and the plants originally made by God has survived. Hiroko was thinking that God would make so many different kinds of maples?
By the way, maple syrup is usually made from xylem sap of sugar maple, red maple or black maple trees, although syrup can also be made from other maple species such as the big leaf maple.
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