What is this?

This is two kinds of frog made with dollar bill. This lady is living in Las Vegas, and loves gamble and of course “frog”. Dollar ($100, $50, and $20) bills frogs are given to her as good luck birthday present.
“Frog” is “Kaeru” in Japanese, and “Kaeru” means “to be returned.” Many gamblers believe “Kaeru” can be good luck charm bringing back miraculously the money lost before. Therefore, they are taking any kinds of frogs to the gambling places.
Hiroko’s friend takes about 10 different kinds of “Frogs” to the Casino, and she pats on the slot machine with one of her favorite “Frog” before start to gamble. Believe the “Frog” or not, she is one of the lucky ladies.
The surprised “Frog” party was succeeded at Italian restaurant. They decorated the party room with many frog pictures, and there were “Frog” pictures on table cloth, “Frog” picture on party favor’s bag, etc.

In the Bible there is not found the commandment regarding drinking, smoking and gambling. However, there are mentioned that using the LOT to make a decision.
Acts 1:20-26
20"For," said Peter, "it is written in the book of Psalms, 'May his place be deserted; let there be no one to dwell in it,' and, ‘May another take his place of leadership' 21Therefore it is necessary to choose one of the men who have been with us the whole time the Lord Jesus went in and out among us, 22beginning from John's baptism to the time when Jesus was taken up from us. For one of these must become a witness with us of his resurrection."
23So they proposed two men: Joseph called Barsabbas (also known as Justus) and Matthias. 24Then they prayed, "Lord, you know everyone's heart. Show us which of these two you have chosen 25to take over this apostolic ministry, which Judas left to go where he belongs." 26Then they cast lots, and the lot fell to Matthias; so he was added to the eleven apostles.
Recipe for Pizza Salad
1 lb. macaroni or penne – boil
3 cups sliced pepperonis – fry to take fat out and making crunchy
1 small red onion – slice
1 small green pepper – dice small
3 small tomato – take juice and seeds out, and dice small
1 lb. cheese, white – dice small

1 Tbsp oregano
1 tsp black pepper
1 tsp garlic powder
1 tsp basil
Pinch red hot pepper
All the ingredient and seasoning put in a large salad bowl, and mix well.

Serve the salad on the lettuce bed and with Italian dressing or any preferred dressing. Lemon and olive oil are also delicious.
This is good dish for the hot summer day.
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