During the winter time, many weeds covered the ground where vegetables grew last year. In the frigid cold Chicago weather, weeds grow strongly. So, at first those weeds are pulled out and cultivate the field.
The neighbor’s field covered by weeds

Garden Center of Lowe’s Nursery

Hus needs to purchase a top soil
Hus was thinking which one is the best - This one!

4 bags of top soil should be enough to cover his field.
.........................................Finished to cover the field

May 8 and 9 (Sunday, Mother’s day) frost was forcasted in the morning, so Hus decided not to plant untill the following week.
At the end of cultivations the field, Hus stepped on one of the tools and cut the bottom of his foot. He went to see his doctor to get anti-biotic, so he is O.K. now.
He is a neighbor who knows gardening very well. Hus has been consulting with him for gardening.

Tasty tomatoes, cucumbers and peppers could be expected again this year.
Thank God for let us having these vegetables.
God created green plants and trees on the third day of His creation process.
“God said, “Let the land produce vegetation; seed-bearing plants and trees on the land that bear fruit with seed in it, according to their various kinds. And it was o. The land produced vegetation: plants bearing seed according to their kinds and trees bearing fruit with seed in it according to their kinds. And God saw that it was good.” Genesis 1:11-12
In order to be healthy, all the living creatures need to eat green. The beast of prey eat the intestine first when they catch the herbivorous animals. It is from the animal kingdom show on TV.
Chinese Cucumber Pickles

2 big cucumbers – cut up bit size
½ medium size onion – sliced thin
With 1 tsp salt, giving massage these cut-up vegetables
3 Tbsp vinegar, or lemon/lime juice
1 tsp sesame oil
Pinch of sugar
1 Tbsp white sesame
Pour the seasoning cover the cup-up vegetable and mix
Cucumber is green but it is not leaves. Are the cucumber nutritious?
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