There were big appetizers; lots of vegetables with dips and 2 kinds (spicy and not spicy) of shrimp dishes, and also lots wine. They were so tasty that everyone ate and drunk too much. Control yourself! Can’t eat the main dish.
Many different kinds of hot sauces, Dave's cook book and appetizers

Hot and Spicy-Hot shrimp

Enjoying appetizers

Steven came and brought something

Mother's Day card and presents (Lotto and horse race tickets)

Horse race on TV - It was too bad no one won

Husband was checking Lotto tickets - WON!

Now, enjoying the dinner; Jambalaya dish with corn bread

It is good to see that Lisa has been practicing the word of God, saying:
Children and Parents
1Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right.2"Honor your father and mother"—which is the first commandment with a promise—3"that it may go well with you and that you may enjoy long life on the earth." (Ephesians 6:1-3).
God would be pleased what Lisa/Dave have done. Thanks Lisa, Dave and Steven for your effort to make your mother / auntie happy.
Dave’s Jambalaya Recipe:
Ingredients 1
2 Tbsp. vegetable oil
1 large onion, chopped
2 cloves garlic, crushed and minced
½ cup celery, mined
1 cup bell pepper, chopped
1½ tsp. salt
1½ tsp. black pepper
½ tsp. cayenne pepper
1 tsp. Tabasco sauce (option)
1½ tsp. theme
5 bay leaves
Ingredients 2
1 lb. Sausage meat, pluck to pieces
1 lb Ham, diced in pieces
1 lb. Chicken (marinated with cayenne pepper – optional)
Ingredients 3
6 cups Chicken stock (can be used sea-food stock)
3 cup rice, long grain
How to cook
In a large sauce pan over medium heat, cook Ingredients 1(onion, garlic, celery and bell pepper) with Seasonings for 30 minutes

Add the Ingredients 2 (sausage meat, ham and chicken)
Add Sausage

Add Ham

Dave mixed them well each time added those ingredients

Add chicken

Add the Ingredients 3 (chicken stock, rice)

Lower the heat to a slow simmer and cook for 20 minutes
Shut off the heat, and let the dish stand for 10 minutes
Was this done?

Yes, it was done!

Now, Shrimp - Did Steven come? .................

Marinated shrimp with this coconuts oil and cayenne pepper
It was very spicy but very delicious

This coconuts oil is the miracle oil for your heartburn.
Jambalaya was originally a “clean out the ice box” dish. It is one of he dishes that has made Louisiana Cajun food famous. It got its name from two words: the French word for ham, “jambon,” and the African word for rice, “yaya.” So it was basically ham and rice. But the Cajuns decided to take this dish to new heights with seafood and other meats.
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